Damn! Whenever my brain & fingers move as faster than common sense........a person reads it. I just didn't want to get into a flame war. Obie's a big boy - and I read the thread Mikepence was referring to - no big deal to either man. And the joking was a tad rougher than "...you decide." Lot rougher.
The gist of my thought is: If it's an insult to ask a person if they're gay when they're straight....why? Then the thought of being gay is insultive.
If it's an insult to ask a person if they're gay, and they're gay - and it's not insultive....why? Either way, it's the same question. Does that mean if a gay person is asked if they're straight, it's an insult?
Tad touchy of me? Guess so. My beautiful son, 27 yrs old, blond, blue-eyed, 6'3", 200 lbs, 3rd yr Law Student - top 10% has been living with the same man for 2 years. If you were to ask him if he's gay.......should he be insulted?
He is gay - and to suggest that there is something insultive about being gay (which being insulted by the question insinuates) goes against my motherly grain. Imh - motherly - opinion.....he outdoes most of us here, including me, in most every way. Gay has nothing to do with it. Of course, he's a jackass sometimes too.
I think some people over-responded to Mikepence. I also think Mikepence was *insensitive*. Lol, he's obviously straight. (gawd.....expecting flames from the straights now)
Edited by - waiting on 9 August 2002 18:55:32