An experience of just how screwed over Wt has got them.
by joe134cd 14 Replies latest jw experiences
Although I find this unsurprising, I think it worth mentioning as it demonstrates a point. I know a brother in Chile, and I wanted confirmation on the flag flying outside the KH in that country. He said he was unaware of it. So I sent him the letter from the chilean branch explaining the reasoning behind it. 24 hours later I've found he has blocked me. This was the first time ever I had questioned him about anything organisational. Interesting I thought. -
He's put his hands over his ears and is screaming "I can't hear you la-la-la-la-la-la!" -
and there is is.
the fear of being lied to, so they deny it is a reality, they simply cant handle the truth
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. -
The first sign of their house of cards being blown down and they run like the wind in retreat. It's pathetic really but you're better off blocked from such a WBT$ cyberman!
I wanted confirmation on the flag flying outside the KH in that country. He said he was unaware of it. So I sent him the letter from the chilean branch explaining the reasoning behind it.
I must have missed this; I don't know anything about it. Can somebody explain or provide a link that will explain?
I must have missed this; I don't know anything about it. Can somebody explain or provide a link that will explain?
Cedar's blog has more details
Thanks FadingTruth & BluesBrother. -
Looks like he is unwilling to even look - especially after he was so certain what you had said was incorrect.
In his haste, he may even have concluded - or been told by other JWs - that the letter from the Chilean branch is fake.