NEW YORK TIMES SUNDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by silentlambs 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • hawkaw

    I wanted to post Doug's comments on this thread too. So below please read Farkel's comments


    This is GREAT! Notice the LIES I'm going to comment about:

    : Mr. Brown said that the church's legal department advised elders to follow the law in states that have mandatory reporting laws, and in cases in which children appear to be in danger.

    Does anyone have any evidence where the society has ever asked if a child was in danger when a rape was reported by That child? (Doh!) Even if they did, that whole statement is idiotic. Any child who claims to be raped or molested should be PRESUMED to be in danger. What does the WTS want in order to help the child? Semen samples? A destroyed tiny little uterous? Every time that fuck Brown opens his mouth, he pisses me off.

    : Mr. Brown, said: "We view such judicial hearings as an extension of our shepherding work as ministers. In other words, we're there to save a person's soul. In these cases we are not going to be vindictive because these are our brothers,

    Words to bury you by, you liar.

    For starters:

    Brown: "In other words, we're there to save a person's soul."

    Thought that was Jesus' and Jehovah's job, you dipfuck. Glad to know you and your scumbag peers in Brooklyn have now taken that job away from Jehovah and Jesus. That makes a whole bunch of us more comfortable knowing that you and your buddies are now in charge of our eternal salvation.

    The evidence will show that in OTHER cases where a decent JW steps forward in behalf of little raped children, your Corporation WILL be vindictive and you will see why in a minute. So, basically you are stating that in cases where an adult is accused of RAPING a little child, you aren't going to be "vindictive," because THESE (accused child-rapists) are our 'brothers'." Some brothers. Well, how do you feel about being "vindictive" towards those of "these who are brothers" who point out your idiotic policy on dealing with the rape of little children? We shall see.

    :Late last month, Mr. Bowen, 44, was excommunicated from the church. Behind a locked door, with plastic bags taped over the windows to ward off onlookers, he said, three church elders meeting at the church's Kingdom Hall in Draffenville, Ky., found him guilty of "causing divisions."

    : The punishment was "disfellowshiping" complete shunning.

    Brown: "In other words, we're there to save a person's soul. In these cases we are not going to be vindictive because these are our brothers,"

    : The church says its policy is based on a scriptural injunction in Deuteronomy 19:15 that says two or three witnesses are necessary to prove a man has sinned.

    Jesus said Christians were not under the law. The WTS has overruled Jesus with that statement.

    : the elders must determine in which category the accusation fits: if it was "uncleanness," a one-time touching above the waist; "loose conduct," touching below the waist or more than once above; or the most severe, "porneia," direct sexual stimulation or activity resulting in orgasm. Each offense carries different penalties, with the most severe for porneia.

    "Touching above the waist", "touching below the waist," "finger in," "finger out", "stroking", "no stroking", "orgasm" or "no orgasm." This is all Bible-Based(tm). What a crock of Pharisaical bullshit.

    : She, like several other alleged victims and their relatives, said in interviews that the elders warned her against reporting the abuse or talking about it with other members.

    Brown: "In other words, we're there to save a person's soul. In these cases we are not going to be vindictive because these are our brothers,"

    : "They told me if I spoke about it with anybody, I needed to be careful because I could face a judicial committee for gossip or slander," she said. "If they felt I had committed that sin, I would be disfellowshiped."

    Brown: "In other words, we're there to save a person's soul. In these cases we are not going to be vindictive because these are our brothers,"

    : Ms. Long, who is now 23, said she and her parents received a letter from the Witnesses advising her to "leave it in Jehovah's hands."

    The organization "speaks" for Jehovah. Why do they think they need a quiet and invisible "Jehovah" to tell them that they need to PROTECT THE CHILDREN FIRST, even if it later turns out that the children were wrong or even liars? That's just plain old common sense and no "Jehovah" needs to reveal it to anyone. What is the harm done if some children are liars, compared with the fact that some children are not when Brooklyn decides to "leave it in Jehovah's hands." Does "Jehovah" care that children are raped and that the Watchtower has decided to be impotent about fact? Think about it. WHY would "Jehovah" have any reason at all for "letting" that happen with impunity when it happens so people can "wait" until He decides to do something? Think about it. Is it more important for "Jehovah" to let the many little children continue to be raped to protect the few little children liars? Think about THAT, too. Finally, WHY would "Jehovah" insist that the society follow State Rules about reporting in the United States and NOT have elders or anyone else report child-rape when the states don't require it? Is "Jehovah" beholden to the US laws? Or is the WTS using US laws to its advantage? Isn't "Jehovah" the SUPREME lawgiver? Not in WatchtowerLand. The interests of the Printing Corporation ALWAYS comes first and "Jehovah" comes second, and sometimes dead last in the interests of the Printing Corporation.

    : On July 25, Mrs. Anderson was excommunicated. A week later her husband, Joe, who had earlier resigned as an elder after 42 years, was also expelled.

    Brown: "In other words, we're there to save a person's soul. In these cases we are not going to be vindictive because these are our brothers,"

    Brown: you are a lying fuckweed of the worst sort. I spit in your face and I hope you eat worms and die.


  • Cassiline

    Tears of Joy course down my face, perhaps a change will take place. And the words silent lamb will be a name that never need be used again for those following in our path.

    Wishing for a miracle here.

  • Liberated

    Termite 35 and Ronin 1: Excellent suggestions!!

    Dateline will do a follow-up, right? And Bill Bowen's appeal...that's going to happen, right?

    ((((Cassiline)))) (((((all silent lambs))))


  • SYN

    As usual, Farkel is right on the mark with his comments. Way to go.

    How much do you guys want to bet that the Bethelites in Brooklyn are running around right now like decapitated chickens? <giant evil grin>


  • ErieGuy

    ***How much do you guys want to bet that the Bethelites in Brooklyn are running around right now like decapitated chickens?***__________
    Sometimes I wonder whether posters of such were EVER JWs themselves???_________

    IF ANYTHING, Bethelites are probably walking tall and proud, fantasizing that they have had the privilege to be "impaled" right alongside Jesus Christ himself.________

    JWs thrive on their own persecution complex.

  • Dia

    To paraphrase Mr. Clinton, 'it depends on what your definition of the word 'danger' is'. (And to put words in the mouth of Mr. Bowen, 'one person's danger is another person's paradise').

    It has been mentioned on other sites that JWs will cover their eyes and ears when attempts are made to give them information in a 'public' way. (On TV, In their congregations or while they are out in service with another JW).

    However, it was noted that if they receive information via the mail, in the privacy of their own homes, where they could open it in private, with no one watching or knowing, they will NOT be able to resist reading it.

    Might I suggest that this article be copied and mailed individually, to JWs that you know and care about.

    Congratulations, Bill. For having the courage to stay with this all the way.

    We hope that we have provided something good for you.

    We continue to stand at your side. All the way.


    Well I had to go look in my local paper....they usually run some articles from the times in the front section and low and behold...."jehovah's witnesses expel abuse wistle-blowers"

    now the important thing to note it that there are important worsds left alledged or reportedly. The headline tells it like it is.

    I sat there and went


  • jwsons

    Look at here. It spreads to western:


  • SYN
    Sometimes I wonder whether posters of such were EVER JWs themselves???

    Well, this poster was, and 99% of the people here were...kindofa moot question on this forum!

    IF ANYTHING, Bethelites are probably walking tall and proud, fantasizing that they have had the privilege to be "impaled" right alongside Jesus Christ himself.

    Yeah, they probably are, if the example of JR Brown is anything to go by. This is a dark day for the Tower. Yippeeeeeeeeeee!

    JWs thrive on their own persecution complex.

    Well, at least you got that right!

  • bluesapphire

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