If you could interview all ex-JW's and ask just one question about their life as a JW, or their thoughts on JW's, what would it be?
If you could ask ex-JW's one question....
by SixofNine 20 Replies latest jw friends
Ehhhhhh... what's up, doc?
"Prove to me exactly why your God is the "only true God.""
"God gave you the freedom and ability to think. So why did you give it up????"
Edited to say that that question is for JW. Sorry, read the question wrong.
To all the ex-dubs I would say, "How does it feel for you, to be free?"
Edited by - Vivamus on 10 August 2002 18:13:22
I would ask what was the deciding factor for your exodus???
What opened your eyes to the truth?
Was there an exact moment when it all change for you, or was it a gradual realization over a period of time?
Do you regret taking so long to get out?
At what point will you be able to forget about JW's and just be you?
How do you feel about death, heaven, God and demons now?
How's life?