It couldn't happen to a nicer person!

by ozziepost 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    Today it happened. Who would have thought it. Through thick and thin she's not been discouraged, well, not too much anyway.

    It's always really "heart warming" (don't you love those Borgese expressions! ) to read the posts of the originals. Well, I know, we're all originals, but you know what I mean!!

    Anyway, here's our greeting:

    Heartiest Congratulations Prisca on reaching 4,000 posts!

    From Ozzie and Mrs Ozzie

  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    Yes Congratulations! Your tough and strong and likable. Dave

  • ISP

    Nice one Prisca!


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Oh Supremeone.

    Perhaps a review of your illustrious career is in order??

  • Prisca

    Thanks Ozzie for noticing I passed the 4000 mark

    The Alchemist - thanks!

    ISP - what a long way we've come since the witnet days, eh?

    Refiner - i just know you have something embarrassing in store for me!!

  • Stephanus

    Perhaps a review of your illustrious career is in order??

    That's easy: Prisca sits all day in a brown chair, watching WWII documentaries, while eating rice cakes with butter. She occasionally looks out the window of her million dollar beachfront house and complains that none of the people walking past ever come to visit her. She will occasionally venture out in her Daihatsu Sirion to top up her supplies of Berri Apple and Pear Juice.

  • Prisca

    Stephanus: that's a certain neighbour of yours, you idiot! Thanks for a great day yesterday with you, Shelly and the kids!

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    ..."I was in a low like yourself a week ago, but it has now passed. Cry, grieve, mourn all you need to, to get it out of your system. Very soon, the grey clouds will have cleared, and you will feel better. Hang in there."....

    Prisca the open. The supportive. The caring.

  • Stephanus
    Stephanus: that's a certain neighbour of yours, you idiot!

    I was wondering how you'd managed to have a prostate operation - that explains a lot!

    Edited by - Stephanus on 11 August 2002 5:59:31

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    ..."that's a certain neighbour of yours, you idiot "....

    Ah....THATS the Prisca we know and love .

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