Each victim of sexual abuse must make a lot of individual choices in their life. To remain silent or to disclose. To pursue charges or not. To sue or not sue. My siblings and I chose our own path and we make no apologies for our decisions. Nor do we judge others who choose any of the above courses of action. Yet, someone recently asked me if I would consider suing the Elders/WT Society for not reporting the abuse to the authorities. In my family's sitation in the 70's, the Elders did not instruct my mother (or my siblings or I) not to report it. The point is : It never came up; it was never a consideration. On the other hand, I'm sure they thought my mother was an idiot on some level for not reporting the SIN to them earlier-- and just glad they're families were protected because of the eminent disfellowshipping. Yet we now know, that isn't correct! Molesters are a danger to the public and no disfellowshipping will stop a serial molester! Nevertheless, I wouldn't sue in a million years! I have no interest in that! Once you read my book, you'll realize who couldn't I sue? Where would I stop? Other than monetary gain, what would be the point? For me, there is no point. I have a whole different life now. I think it would be very unfortunate that possibly readers of my book, because of personal hatefilled agendas, might blame Witness Elders above and beyond the responsiblity of the real monster, the molester. [In fact, my father has fooled many people into believing he abused only BECAUSE he was a Witness! Talk about scapegoats!] Work to change laws? Yes. Educate Elders? Yes. Would I like an apology? Yes. But that apology is not necessary for me to have a level of happiness today. It would give me some sense of closure and that would be nice. But who knows, after those Elders read my book, maybe one of them might feel a tinge of guilt/remorse, and God forbid, express regrets to my family. That, my friends, would be reward in itself. After the former life I had, maybe it's incredible that I could have such a pollyanah-ish view of life, but that too is an individual's choice. Donald
Should I sue the Elders/WT Society (! or ?)
by morrisamb 13 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Do it, they'd sue you.
Personally, I didn't. I couldn't be bothered. It would be too much of a hassle for me.
Someone needs to sue them for absolutely everything they've got.
Especially property and land.
It's interesting that you would ask us that question.
As I see it, a person can either sue or write a book to regain their self-respect and composure after such horrendous things as you've been through.
I would most certainly see where you might want to walk away and have ANOTHER LIFE for yourself, one that is not infested with even more WT crap. There comes a point when even fighting them is still allowing them time and power in your life and I wouldn't fault you for a second for wanting to just dispose of the whole thing from this point on.
On the other hand, from your stance and with your support, there is a LOT you could accomplish with a lawsuit, as far as taking away some of their power and diminishing their power to continue to behave in the way they do. That could do a lot to help other people and to embolden them to also file suit. Finally, it might also do a lot to prevent some of the abuse of future lambs.
What are the odds that you'd win? I don't know. It seems it would not hurt to ask those questions of an attorney. Talk with a good one.
How crushing would it be if you lose? (There's definitely a way to lose and still win this kind of a case, but is it worth the emotional risk? Again, speak with an attorney first.)
I wish you luck in sorting this out. Your decision is not an easy one to make. I hope my comments help in some way.
(By the way, any interest from Oprah??? There would be a quicky way to get it out and make a HUGE difference all in one fell swoop, and also to garner the interest of an attorney who might actually be qualified to handle this kind of a case.)
No one can possibly fault any conclusion you come to. But you're the one who is going to have to live with it.
God bless you.
Edited by - Dia on 12 August 2002 8:52:7
YES u r so right we r the only one that must live with our choices and decisions no one else !!!! LINDA LOU aka Queenie [email protected] or [email protected] P E A C E to all ((((HUGS))))
Very good post. I agree with your reasoning.
morrisamb---it sounds like you've already made a decision and I can't see why anyone would attempt to convince you otherwise. I, with all respect, would like to add something. You mentioned that the only point in your suing would be for "monetary gain." This may well be in your case, but please don't believe that the only reason anyone sues is for money. Lawsuits, especially this type, are draining, emotionally, physically, and financially, on the ones that subject themselves to them. Details of their lives are scrutinized. And most of the people that are willing to go through this do not do it for the "money." They do it because sometimes, legally, that's all they can do.........
Personally, I'm the type that would sue for the money. They don't need it in the New System anyway.......... if you ever change your mind, you could always give the money to me, or you could donate it to Silentlambs....that is, if you even got any money, like I said, that's not always the reason for suing.............
amac........you agree the WTS shouldn't be sued? gee, I wonder why..................
amac........you agree the WTS shouldn't be sued? gee, I wonder why..................
Your insinuation is correct!!!! I am actually a WT Lawyer posing as a nobody on this website so I can thwart people's ideas of sueing us. That is until you blew my cover!
Your insinuation is correct!!!! I am actually a WT Lawyer posing as a nobody on this website so I can thwart people's ideas of sueing us.
wow.......is that what I insinuated? I really doubt you're a lawyer.......
out of respect for morrisamb's thread, I'll not get into a debate here.........