Hi there. This isn't a joke and I don't post here often but I had a conversation with my Grandma I found comical and thought I'd share. My uncle lives far away and my Grandma wants to go visit him but says she is afraid of the demons in his rental home. She is afraid a demon might follow her home. How does my uncle know there are demons? Well because apparently demons are so petty they like to scare people by tying robe belts and moving clothes around. He spoke with the Elders who came and prayed for the demons to go away. The picture I have in my head of Elders trying to expel demons is just too funny. I don't believe demons possess homes but If a demon were going to possess a home I'd like to think they have better ways of scaring people...just sayin.
by Pattytheperfect1 17 Replies latest social humour
John Aquila
she is afraid of the demons in his rental home.
If I was a demon, I would be hanging out in a celebrity mansion.
This is like on of those Jeff Foxworthy jokes, "You might be redneck...."
If you don't go see someone because you're afraid of bringing back a demon...you just might be a jw!
If every once in a while you throw away things you bought at yard sales because they might have demons....you just might be a jw!
If you don't buy a Ford Taurus because it might have a demon....you just might be a jw!
If you find yourself burning clothes and are amazed that a non-flammable material doesn't burn easy....you just might be a jw!
Typical woo that makes perfect sense to a dub. -
Village Idiot
Why would Grandma think that your Uncle might have demons in his house? Is he a JW? Does he dabble in spiritism? -
Yes he's a JW. All in my family are but me. He claims demons are moving his clothes around in his house. I really am at a loss how otherwise intelligent people believe stuff like this. From what I understood the people he rents the place from left a trunk in the storage space above the garage and he thinks something up there is possessed. I didn't get into a long comversation or debate about it, it was just said in passing and I found it funny. I rarely talk to my family and when I do it's usually my Grandma who's getting older. She throws in the religious talk and 'truth' lectures now and again but she's easily distracted into changing the subject. :) she's the least judgmental JW I know other than my sister so every once in a while listening to some religious babble is tolerated and occasionally it's actually amusing. -
It used to be a fairly common JW delusion, although you don't hear so much about it anymore. To be fair the bible does speak of spirits inhabiting things or people, which just goes to show how backwards the bible is.
When my daughter was young, back in the eighties, there was a JW legend that Smurf toys were demonized, supposedly one got up and walked out of a kingdom hall. My in laws told this nonsense to my daughter, she freaked out and we had to throw her doll away.
Maybe your uncle has mental issues, or at least memory issues, and that might seem a rational explanation to him. Perhaps he should see a doctor.
Village Idiot
Maybe your uncle - I don't know how old he is - is suffering from early stage Alzheimer's disease and is forgetting where he puts his clothes in.
I would recommend Lisa Rose's advise for him to see a doctor and possibly get a brain scan although, being a JW, he will believe that he's all right.
Yeah, JWs and the good, old, demon stories. I used to hear them a lot. Years and years back there was a woman in the KH who insisted that demon was sitting on her chest at her sleep and she was so scared that she felt asleep on her love seat. She used to complain in the KH that she felt something heavy sitting on her and was freaking her out. Later she was diagnosed with some kind of cancer in the lung and she eventually passed away. She also claimed that the demon was following her everywhere as she had this condition in any places where she went.
I agree with Lisa, that it is widespread delusion among JWs. However, I would not underestimate medical condition like mental issue, dementia, or starting of Alzheimer where one JW claimed that demon was misplacing his stuff.
Those sort of stories were rife in the 60`s and 70`s amongs` t J.W`s . And not just among the R&F. It was also common among the Elders , where I lived in S..E..Qld Australia .
An elder told me this one : A study of his had obtained an object from an op shop ,and since he had purchased it he was having weired happenings in his home .He related it to the elder studying with him and he decided it was what he had purchased from the op shop .The elder and the study said a prayer together and through the object over into a vacant land .Low and behold the object came bounding back to where it had been thrown from , it was then my eyes glazed over and I do not know what happened from then on . Sorry.
their were also storys about music especially " KISS" which my young son loved , and storys about how you would burn the records and they would keep re-appearing .
last but not least were the sisters who would say they were raped by a demon in the night , demons would sexually violate them and they felt compelled to confess to the Elders.
Surely I am not alone with these sort of experiences ?
Their must be heaps .