Sheila Bowen's Letter To the GB!

by Ranchette 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • joeshmoe

    What a wonderful letter from a courageous woman. The determination that you and your husband have shown... words fail me. You've stood up for those who needed you most. Now you've stood up for yourself. Know that you are greatly admired by all of us.


  • roybatty

    I'm sure that Bill realizes how lucky he is to have a wife like you. Simply awesome.

  • DakotaRed

    Excellent letter! Bill is a lucky man to have a fine wife as you to support him. The two of you are doing a fantastic job with all this.

    Lew W

  • LB

    Well my exit from the borg seems so shallow compared to yours and Bills. Well done.

  • JT

    Cynus says:

    The JWs have a BIBLICAL policy, and they are exercising it, even if you or I or anyone else thinks it is outdated or wrong. So I can't pity anyone who leaves the JW association based on their application of scriptural injunctions


    This has got to be the funnniest post on this thread- I just love his Tongue and Cheek

  • Trauma_Hound

    You go girl!!! Good for you, don' t let them have the last word!

    Cynus : The JWs have a BIBLICAL policy, and they are exercising it, even if you or I or anyone else thinks it is outdated or wrong. So I can't pity anyone who leaves the JW association based on their application of scriptural injunctions.
    And what scriptures support child molestation and shunning of people trying to protect children?
  • Pistoff

    SHEILA i am so proud of you and Bill; i don't know of anyone in my life with the courage to do what you both have done. God bless you both.

    I am sending a copy of your letter to my inlaws.........hope it hits a soft heart.

  • Shutterbug

    All the information you gave them and these clowns were worried about the last line of your letter? What a bunch of programed nitwits!! It is very evident these "brothers" are not the least bit worried about the children who have been harmed by the WTS policy. I'm not sure I have the stomach to take much more of this.

    JT, you missed the whole point. There are people out there hurting because of these short sighted policys. How much do you care about those who have suffered because of uncaring men such as the ones the Bowens had to face ?

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Hi, Sheila

    Fantastic letter!

    We can only hope honesty will one day shame enough decision-makers at Bethel that positive change will begin overturning past and present injustices committed at the hand of the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses in Brooklyn Bethel.


    You wrote:

      The only problem I have is that your fight is not so much with the WTS or JWs but with Moses and Paul. The JWs have a BIBLICAL policy, and they are exercising it, even if you or I or anyone else thinks it is outdated or wrong. So I can't pity anyone who leaves the JW association based on their application of scriptural injunctions.

    Unlike James, I think you made this statement seriously. If so it is erroneous.

    Your impression is a fallacy of composition. Because a two-witness rule is Scriptural does not mean the WTS' policy on handling reports of child molestation is Scriptural because there are other aspects besides that one alone. For the policy to be Biblical it must conform to Scripture in every way, not just one.

    Scriptures would have Christians love their neighbors. What exactly is loving about not always encouraging victims of child molestation to report their molestation to supposedly God appointed secular authorities and those who are trained to provide the necessary therapy for the protection and wellbeing of victims and would be victims? The fact that WTS policy does not always encourage this sort of reporting demonstrates a selfish motive, which is the antithesis of love. What Scriptural reason supports this aspect of WTS policy so that we can logically deem it Biblical?

  • orangefatcat

    Terrific letter Sheila, and Bill, you are real crusaders for righteousness. It appears to me that the Holy Spirit is with you both and all the SilentLambs. Your letter speaks volumes of the injustices in an organization that says it protects its flock as the Great Shepherd had commanded them to do so. Well I think they have greatly dissappointed Christ and I wonder when it comes time for them the GB to answer to Him what will they say for having failed the sheep.

    Bless you both Sheila and Bill.

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