According to Her Ladyship's group of pals, what today's woman wants in a man, is the ability to fix things!
That's right. So many chaps are totally inept when it comes to climbing ladders, wielding a screwdriver or wiping a joint, that wives are getting a little pe'ed off with men who just want to show their feminine side. Todays woman wants her man to be a do-er, a fixer, a man who creates, a man who CAN and DOES! Furthermore, today's woman is curious as to how things are done, and wants her Mister Fixit to show her how he screws, bangs and lays bricks.
So, all you brickies and chippies, plumbers and roofers, join with me in waving a glad goodbye to Mister New-Man at the iron-board. His days are numbered, real men are back!