I am asking. I do not know why bowen want to remain jw after discovering it is a pedophile paradise. If i was Catholic and found out that the church was a haven for child abuse, they would not have to throw me out. I'd be out door instantly.
Think about it comforter. As we all know if you were Catholic, you could leave and still be able to talk to your family and friends plus you could still help the victims. Other Catholics wouldn't be afraid you were of Satan just because you were no longer Catholic.
If you are a JW you will not only lose your family and friends but the victims will also now be afraid to talk and listen to you because they will now think that you are of Satan. And if they are not afraid of Satan, they still will be afraid to talk to you because if it was found out, they too would be DF.
It's not that hard to figure out really.