Like Whoa! I'm not use to this many responses - ALL are appreciated - Thanks. Below are the posts I feel captures the essence of this thread. It really gave me something to think about.
"Being a JW meant getting lots of nice little ego-massages from brothers and sisters, for being soooooo spiritual" ~ Dizzy Cat
"This board can be sort of like a support group for those going through JW related stuff." ~ Mr Biggs
Windchaser's candor :)
"the only issue is the degree to which we go to seek approval...that being the case i know of very few folks who enjoy being in a room full of folks and we they say something NO ONE EVEN ACKNOWELGES that they are even there..." ~ JT
"However, I think you will find ironically that many who really did serve God out of 'principle' and without 'fear of man' end up on the outside in places like this." ~ ballistic
"MOST people have a 'looking for approval' mentality." ~ Xander
"Its amazing, however, the number of responses to fluff posts." ~ ThiChi
"If I ask a question I really would like some insight on, maybe five people will reply, but if I post utter garbage and include the word boobie somewhere I will get an overflow of responses...So while I don't understand why people get huffy over a cyber message board and it's goings on, I do understand the reasoning behind it, and the desire to belong, which is a basic human desire." ~ Joannadandy
"It does crack me up that there are certain popular personas here who could post even their laundry lists and still get oohs and ahs and all kinds of interested nods from other posters."~ HappyHeathen
Just to add to Syn list - Mention 'PUSSY' in the subject line and you'll see a flurry of activities :)
"I think we all crave some acceptance, even when we claim we're doing something just for ourselves." ~ Joeshmoe
"I'll start to talk and little by little, the room thins out. There are only just a couple listening to me. That's life." ~
Sentinel "I also get really really really frustrated when the same subject gets posted 40 times a week and the same arguments get reborn over and over and over and over never seeming to ever ever ever end." ~
plmkrzy "Even if you only get one or two obligatory pats on the back from people feeling sorry for you, it's better than scoring the big Zee." ~ COMF
"It's pretty much too hell with the adults, it's the children I want to focus on." ~ GrannyLinda
"I think it has a lot to do with self esteem, one of the things that kept me going in the org. I'll admit it, I CRAVED people's praise. I've had to get over a lot of that..." ~ RandomTask
Peace - LL