Will The WT Corporation Be Faced With More Civil Lawsuits Be Filed And Won Over Emotional Pain And Suffering Caused By Shunning World Wide?

by Brokeback Watchtower 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    The way society today is become more and more sensitive about social wrongs like child abuse, mistreatment of gay people, discrimination and things that cause psychological harm etc....to me spell doom for the WT corporation in the courts as the record is clear to Judges and Juries that the WT Corporation is an abusive cult that needs the law systems to bring them to accounts $$$$ for their cruel treatments to minors and anyone they deem "mentally diseased" and avoided because they found out the WT corporation is a web of lies and deceit.

    I feel we are in the very beginning of the end and the lawsuits will pile up to the point of bankruptcy for these abusive crooks.

  • Watchtower-Free
  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    Fox news does all of those things....and they thrive!

    No but really. In the end people shun their family because they are taught that is what God wants them to do. It isn't a crime, and isn't something that can be sued over. We have been down that road before. It would only feed into the persecution complex and fulfillment of the "doing away with religion" thing. JW's will exist, and varying degrees of success, and are trying to re-write their history.

    I don't think we are at a tipping point. Not at all.

  • joe134cd
    The shunning thing is just to hard to prove in court. Will it bankrupt them. The trouble with this is nobody knows just how much money they have got. I'm guessing however it would be a lot. I am sure of one thing however that these law suites have embarrassed them and certainly must be of concern.
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    I'm thinking a forward thinking lawyer might find a gold mine in a class action lawsuit from those that lost family ties due to the Watchtower's Heartless edicts for mandatory conduct of its dedicated corporate slaves.
  • Sail Away
    Sail Away

    Mr. SailAway contacted a lawyer in NY, USA about 35 years of shunning and being written out of the will. WT will get one million plus when his 90-year-old JW parents die. Nothing can be done, but he was reassured that as an only child he will be noticed of their death. This is actually a relief. For years when I was still in, I was the go between between them. Two years ago I couldn't handle their hate speech toward hubby and my children who are no longer JWs any longer, so I simply stopped responding to correspondence. I'm done with them. Not my circus, not my monkeys.

  • sir82
    Would never happen in the USA, but I am beginning to wonder if it may work elsewhere.

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