When the story was running, i wrote to the WTS to ask their advice about the story. I received the standard "Library card" letter.
Since that did not satisfy, I wrote again. They replied :-
"While we appreciate your concern, we do not think we can add much to what we stated in our previous letter. We believe our reply was both frank and complete and adequately deals with the issues you raise. May we kindly suggest that you prayerfully re read our original reply.
In addition ,in view of the fact that that you are disturbed over the matter , may we suggest that you speak with the elders of your congregation. You can show them our letters so that they will know how we we answered you. As they know you well, these spirit appointed brothers will no doubt be able to help you further."
Sign off.
I was gob smacked at the curtness and dismissive tone, Patronizing B########'s
"Frank", eh? , and they had the nerve to tell me to read it again , as if saying I was too thick to understand it !!!