Just want to take a pole describing our Father in Heaven.
Is God a person, place, or thing?
by Bleep 65 Replies latest watchtower bible
Neither. God is a culturally postulated superhuman being.
- Jan
Can't a thing also be a person? Can't a person be a thing?
thing Pronunciation Key (th
n.- An entity, an idea, or a quality perceived, known, or thought to have its own existence.
Well a thing is an "entity" so I'm going with God being a thing!!!
Do I win?
Is Bleep a steaming pile of elephant droppings? (Just taking a poll!)
Hmmmm......... person, place or thing............
Well lets look at the evidence, nah lets not..........
I am wondering, are aliens, persons, or things, I'm pretty sure they are not a place.
I once came upon this article about the "Watchers" it was really an interesting ideal that the "Gods" of the past may actually have been nothing more then alien beings that showed up and impressed the local natives with their technology. Now this is an interesting thought, because, if you actually look at the true interpitation of the Nephillaim and others they are actually these watchers or the word is used in that context even in the bible. Now don't get me wrong, I am not a wholly beleiver in that the Gods were aliens or not, but I do beleive that God is not a real entity. I feel there are many different reasons for God in every culture. Some are perhaps aliens, some are perhaps just an explaination of nature and it's awesome power. As far as this God of the bible, I do think he and many others have a strong case of being of alien beginings.
The name YHWH did not start with the Hebrews, he was a Canaanite minor God long before the Hebrews adopted him as the almighty. When the Hebrews took on the Almighty YHWH, they added to him the Personality and ideals that the Canaanites had about their almighty God El, whom YHWH was a son of to them, along with Baal who was in actuallity the brother of YHWH, but (Baal) was in a far more powerful position at the time. It really makes me wonder, if perhaps the fight between YHWH and Baal was really nothing more then a sibling rivalry. Hmmm Just a thought to ponder.
God is all of those, and more. Keep looking.
Just want to take a pole
How about instead of YOU taking a "pole," I take the "pole" I already have and ram it....
never mind.
Well, Bleep, God is not a person, because persons are homosapiens, and he is not of this specie. He is not a place, so the question is, is God everywhere (Omnipresent) or is in a particular place at a particular time. The Bible is not clear on this. Bleep, where is God, everywhere or somewhere? Is God a thing, well, I suppose, but I think calling him a thing is kind of demeaning. Question for Bleep, why do we call God a him. He does not have a gender, as far as I know. Does he not have both masculine and feminene qualites? Since he made us in his image, and there are two genders, then God in his perfect should have both masculine and feminene characteristics. What do you think, Bleep?
Just want to take a pole
See JoelBear.
Damnit! How many times do I have to say it... God is a figment of my imagination. I keep him in a Jack-in-the-Box with the lid taped shut. He strongly resembles Drop Dead Fred.