Well after 2 years of My bible Study's With the father's help & the messiah help, I had to post this, to get Thousands str once again: - It's a knowed fact that BILLIONS ARE INFACT DEAD IN THEIR GRAVES, Cause like christ already mention in john chapter 5 verses 28, & 28 & 25 that the resurrection will only happen on the last day... So if Anybody in this life period teach that after you die you go to heaven is a liar(cough Christianity), cause The RESURRECTION HAS NOT HAPPEN YET...... And the only people Who are going to heaven after armageddon is the 144,000(book of revelation said's 'they were', in revelation chapter 1, God said 'things that must shortly come to pass)...... Continue>
The Truth about Who is going to heaven, etc..
by Legendary U.2.K. 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
Legendary U.2.K.
So either the 144,000 as already gone to heaven, or They are already chosen but in their graves waiting for the last day.... Even if the 144,000 is symbolic(which i do not believe) still EVERYBODY IS NOT GOING TO HEAVEN, SO YOU EITHER FACE THE TRUTH & HEED THE FATHER WORD OR FALL ON ARMAGEDDON, And under thy earth you goeth.... Also, Like the father has promise Mankind, A new paradise earth WHEREIN DWELLETH RIGHTEOUS, THE HOME OF THE RIGHTEOUS ONES: Isaiah 65 Verse 17<------This is not a Wt teaching, this is a bible teaching, So understand it.......
Well, after school and university I have, IN FACT, come to realise that BILLIONS ARE DEAD IN THEIR GRAVES .
So if Anybody in this life period teach that after you die you go to heaven is a liar(cough Christianity)
Does that mean you won't really be dead, but awake and waiting - the whole time?
And after that, will you remain bounded by time like you are now?
The Truth about Who is going to heaven, IS, nobody.
All resurrected ones be they of the 144,000 or whatever will live here on earth.
Not the JWs ;)
A Catholic woman died and found herself standing outside the Pearly Gates, being greeted by St. Peter.
She asked him "Oh, is this palce what I really think it is? It is so beautiful. Did I really make it to heaven?
St. Peter replied "Yes my dear, these ARE the Gates Of Heaven. But, you must do one more thing before you can enter."
The woman was very excited, and asked of St. Peter what she must do to pass through the gates. "Spell a word," St. Peter replied. "What word?" she asked. "Any word," answered St. Peter. "It's your choice." The Catholic woman promptly replied, "Then the word I will spell is love. L-o-v-e."
St. Peter congratulated her on her good fortune to have made it to Heaven, and asked her if she would mind taking his place at the gates for a few minutes while he went to the bathroom.
"I'd be honored," she said, "but what should I do if someone comes while you are gone?" St. Peter reassured her, and instructed the woman simply have any newcomers to the Pearly Gates to spell a word as she had done.
So the Catholic woman is left sitting in St. Peter's chair and watching the beautiful angels soaring around her, when lo and behold, a man approaches the gates, and she realizes it is her JW husband."What happened?" she cried, "Why are you here?"
Her husband stared at her for a moment, then said, "I had an accident on the way back from your funeral, and having refused a transfusion now find myself here. What is this place?"
She replied "I said there was a heaven and this is it"
"Well I never" he said "So the Governing Body screwed up after all. Can I come in?"
The woman replied, "Not yet. You must spell a word first."
"What word?" he asked.
"Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanicconiosis" she said
openly plagarised and mercilessly adapted :)
LU2K, you said:
So if Anybody in this life period teach that after you die you go to heaven is a liar(cough Christianity),
I guess that the apostle Paul must have been a liar, too, since he said at Phillipians 1:20-24:
I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body.
Then you say;
the only people Who are going to heaven after armageddon is the 144,000
The Bible never says anything about the 144,000 going to heaven after Armageddon. What it does say is that the 144,000 are Jews from the twelve tribes of Israel, and that they stand with Jesus on Mt. Zion at His return.
Even if the 144,000 is symbolic(which i do not believe) still EVERYBODY IS NOT GOING TO HEAVEN,
Whether the 144,000 is symbolic or not, the Bible never says anything about them going to heaven. Nor does it say that there are two classes of Christians, some going to heaven and others not.
Now, the Bible does speak of going to heaven to be with Christ, and it also speaks of a "new earth". But the two are really one destiny.
From Paul's words, it seems clear that believers who die go to be with Christ. Since he is in heaven, that must be where they go. But Revelation 21 shows the heavenly city, New Jerusalem, descending from heaven to earth, and states that God will dwell there with His people. So any believers who are taken to heaven before that time will be returned to the earth then.
Sorry. It's a Watchtower teaching. The Bible nowhere supports the idea of two classes of Christians.This is not a Wt teaching, this is a bible teaching,
What I want to know is when they asked you to turn your head an cough why did you name a religion...
Legendary U.2.K.
Neo: "Yes, but the bible clearly points out that the Resurrection of the dead as not happen yet, therefore whosoever dies now aint going no where.... We die in christ and We lived with christ, but Christ clearly points out that the Resurrection of the dead as not happen yet- John Chapter 5 Verse 26, 28, 29....... And either Way A new paradise earth is coming! - Isaiah Chapter 65 Verse 17....
I have tied these two study sessions together nicely.
There is no hellfire as many have claimed, there is only hell. So if there is such a place and there are STILL millions there, how many people will have a heavenly hope? And how many will be on earth in a perfect world? And what qualifications are there to stay there? Those in Jehovah's memory will be restored. Thankfully Jesus died for all mankind so that they can have another chance to live the real life.Hell Emptied!
Revelation 20:13 states: "The sea gave up those dead in it, and death and Hades gave up those dead in them." Yes, the Bible hell will be emptied. As Jesus promised, "the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear [Jesus'] voice and come out." (John 5:28, 29) Although no longer presently existing in any form, millions of dead ones who are in Jehovah God's memory will be resurrected, or brought back to life, in a restored earthly paradise. -Luke 23:43; Acts 24:15.
In the new world of God's making, resurrected humans who comply with his righteous laws will never need to die again. (Isaiah 25:8) Jehovah "will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore." In fact, "the former things [will] have passed away." (Revelation 21:4) Do you know why? They will be perfect and they will be in an earthly paradise. Example of that would be no floods or no tornadoes ect.
What a blessing is in store for those in hell - "the memorial tombs"! This blessing indeed is reason enough for us to take in some more knowledge of Jehovah God and his Son, Jesus Christ. -John 17:3
What Doctrine am I making up again? Jesus died for all mankind.
A Brief History of hellfire By the Watchtower July 15, 2002 quoting the Bible.
"When did professed Christians adopt the belief in hellfire? Well after the time of Jesus Christ and his apostles. The Apocalypse of Peter (2nd century C.E.) was the first [apocryphal] Christian work to describe the punishment and tortures of sinners in hell," states the French Encyclopedia Universalis.
Among the early Church Fathers, however, there was disagreement over hell. Justin Martyr, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, and Cyprian believed that hell was a fiery place. Origen and theologian Gregory of Nyssa thought of hell was a fiery place. Origen and theologian Gregory of Nyssa thought hell as a place of separation from God-of spiritual suffering. Augustine of Hippo, on the other hand, held that suffering in hell was both spiritual and sensory- a view that gained acceptance! By the fifth century the stern doctrine that sinners will have NO second chance after this life and that the fire which will devour them will never be extinguished was everywhere paramount," wrote Professor J.N.D Kelly.
In the 16th century, such Protestant reformers as Martin Luther and John Calvin understood the fiery torment of hell to be figurative of separated from God. However, the idea of hell as a place of torment returned in the following two centuries. Protestant preacher Jonathan Edwards used to strike fear in the hearts of 18- century Colonial Americans with graphic portrayals of hell.
Shortly thereafter, though, the flames of hell began to flicker and fade. "The 20th century was nearly the death of hell." states U.S. News & World Report."
My two cents are. First off we get another chance in life. We do not get judged when we die and either go to heaven or hell. We go to the common grave called hell waiting for Jesus to call us out. Of course Jehovah remembers our DNA and restores us into a living condition. The United States President vetos the right to play God with DNA.
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