Will bill escape or will he get sucked back in? Granted everyone stands behind Bills stand on child abuse, except ofcourse the abusers, namely the Org. I realize Bill wants back in, so he can protect the innocents from the Org policies. And so he can also spread the good news of the kingdom, before the end comes.
However I ask the question, Bill now that you are out, have you taken any time to read the history of the JW cult, enough time to realize what they truly are? That they have never been sincere, always twisting prophecy to make "the end" seem very close, to keep people worked up and in a state of fear, so they are easily led. The JW' cult has never taken a stand for actual truth, they are deceptive, in doctrine and in works. You say you want back in to help the innocents, and that is all well and good, my question is why go back in. The working of events should by now have convinced you that these people do not stand for truth but deception is thier true game from the top down.
The fact is, in the JW cult, it is who controlls the press, the printing company, that rules. That is given control of doctrine. It is the editor of watchtower doctrine, who wins all these kind of arguements. It is he who holds the largest stock option, that wins the debate. Everyone else gets DF'ed, in an internal fued! Sorry but it has happened before and will again. You can not win against a cult by appealing to the public. You can not win by apealing to other JW's, they will follow the cult mind, or leave with you. You can not change the cult, because they are not a democracy, and you do not have a voice in a theocracy, when you are merely a subject. You are not a GB member, and you do not own enough stock to edit the watchtower. And yet you are too good a person to be silent, as they have asked you to be. Your plight is not anything new, however you have captured the media for a time. In the 70's we had a similiar upheaval over differing ideas of doctrine in bethel, many were DFed and bottom line, the biggest stock holder seized control and publicly DFed his opposers in the GB who actually outnumbered him. All the arguments didn't matter, the truth didn't mater...........he had control of the printing company.
I agree with your speaking out, however what good is my agreement? I agree with your desire to change the Org. however what good is that? I am an apostate. I do not believe the Org will listen to a member, or an outsider, or an apostate. The Org listens to no one, so welcome to the outside Bill. There is life and there is love out here, and there is way more intelligence and freedom! As far as changing the Org. I am still at a loss as to what if anything we can do that has a chance of working. Unless the US govt will draft some laws as to how a cult or Religious Organization is to be run, however in the USA we feel strongly about giving them total freedom to do as they please.
I think we want the same things, open judicial comittee meetings, when someone is DFed the reason should be known not hidden, when someone is reproved, the same thing, we all have right to know why. If they are a pedophile, everyone should hear this. Thier holding to old Jewish laws is not right. But if they want to do the Jewish thing then they should do it right. If there is public punishment there should be public disclosure as to why.
Secondly I would ask that I as a former member of the Org. be treated as family by my family. Once again you can lean on that old Jewish eye for an eye law, and say it is right. I would like to see a more Christian approach, to love even your enemy as yourself. There are much better scriptures to be using, which are being ignored.
Maybe the real solution is for you to start an offshoot, start a new Religion, The "New Light Jehovahs Witnesses." The Mormons went through such a change. Are you any good at editing magazines? A couple more members, form a corporation, and off you go. Form your own GB and take control. A new theocracy!
Edited by - libra_spirit on 13 August 2002 12:33:51