Should I Go To College?

by joeshmoe 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    26? You're 26 and you wonder IF you should go to college?

    Whatever you're smoking, I recommend you stop, send it to me and I'll smoke it while you go to college. There are so many grants (Pell, for instance), loans, gifts, scholarships and co-op programs out there just looking to give away money to bright college students. Whatinhellareyouworriedabout?

    If you have to, go to a small, local two-year college. ACE all your courses. ALL of them. Then transfer to a tier-one, big-time college after first visiting their financial aid office. They'll take one look at your transcript and then have a full professor come over to shine your shoes.

    ACE all your junior and senior courses, and then repeat the steps above and go to graduate school. Be a student instructor for your major professor.

    ACE your master's program and get your Ph.D. Then do post-doc work.


    Twenty six. Hells Bells, if I was thirty six I would do what I've just suggested you do. And I wish someone had told ME all this when I stopped after six years. DO IT DO IT DO IT.

    This is the only time I've offered my seldom-seen, little heard of $19.95 advice. Take it.


  • lisaBObeesa

    Thank God I read this thread... I almost took another semester off...


  • joeshmoe

    Where do I mail the check Francois?

    Seriously, as someone already noted, I knew the answer when I posted. I just needed some help lighting a fire under myself. And a couple posts have really gotten my neurons firing. I've started gathering some information on grants/loans.


  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    everybody already answered your question, so i'm glad you're going. school starts for me in two weeks and i can't tell you how excited i am. good luck!

  • jst_me

    I went to school when I was 28 with two kids...a single df'd mom with family who believe the only way to save me is to shun me and offer me no help at all.

    I started at community college, then transferred and got my 4 year degree, which I totally recommend.

    I HAD a good job in the technology sector, but the bastards layed me off in April. I am just waiting on my reccomendation letters so that I can start on my MBA.

    I wasnt working long enough to save a ton of money, but I still think with loans I can swing it. First thing to do is fill out that FAFSA and make sure you do it ONLINE. Then I would make an appointment with an admissions counselor and let them know what you want to do....and they will tell you how to do it. If you are broke, they will be happy to tell you how to spend all that grant money at THEIR college.

    The best advice I got when I was trying to decide if I wanted to go to school was that if I kept waiting for the best time, I would never even start. In 4 years, you could be graduating or still trying to figure out if you could swing it or not.

    Hell I did it on my own with kids, so I know anyone could do it. My advice is to pick science or a medical field.....damn those technology managers~!


  • blondie

    It's only too late when you are dead.--Malcolm Forbes

  • Joyzabel


    If nothing else for your mental health. As others have said, go to a community colleg to get the pre-requisits that are needed to be taken no matter major you decide on and get used to "studying".

    But most importantly.....have fun doing it!


  • zenpunk

    I started college at 25. I graduate next May. What can I say - go! - it will change your life. Now how I managed to pay for it.

    First, attend the first 2 years at a Community College where it's a lot cheaper - then transfer your 60 credits to a good 4 year school (the name of the expensive college will be on your diploma. Now - how to pay for the expensive school. I got a Stafford Loan to start with. Once you've put in a couple of good semesters, there are scholarships you can apply for. This last year I have the advantage of a Part Time Adult Women's Scholarship to help me out.

    Listen to everyone - it's not too late - you can do it!

  • AjaxMan

    Should you go to college????

    Heck YEAH Buddy!!!!

    It's never too late to get an education.

  • joannadandy

    Hell yes! Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes!

    It's up to you if you want to go community or to a four year and do the whole experience. Frankly if your aim is to learn about yourself and the world I would suggest a four year. I have done both, and community college is really about people who just want to pass the class and go home to their hubby and cook. (no offense, I loved my community college experience too, it's just not exactly the full on cultural plunge that you can get at a four year school)

    If you do go to a four year I do suggest branching out and meeting as many people, and joining as many clubs that interest you as possible. Just check them all out, find out what floats your boat, who is fun to party with, etc. For people leaving the borg it is a great way to network. Especially if you get in a small-to-medium sized school. You will be surprised at how many people you get to know and the sense of community you get with them.Hell you don't even have to join any groups. The great thing about college is there is always something going on. You can hear a speaker talk about Aids in Africa on Monday, Hear a politician talk about foriegn policy on tuesday, and watch belly dancers on wednesday.

    I would advise that at 26 you skip the sorority deal. Expose yourself to culture, and not the 18 year old schmucks who just want to party. Nothing wrong with that mind you, (equal balance and all) but I would bet even money that you would be disapointed in their immaturity.

    Student loans are a beautiful thing.Especially if you get into a field that will pay them off when you get hired. (like teaching) Plus I am sure you qualify for all kinds of Aid, Assistance, and Scholarships! There are millions of things to apply for. You just have to get in touch with a college and ask them to give you a packet on what they offer.

    Don't even worry about being accepted. 90% of the schools you think about going to will accept you. They love tution, and filling their classes...anyone who tells you it's hard to get into college is full of crap! It's hard to get into Harvard, but that's about it! You will maybe have to take an entrance exam or something simple like that. Nothing to fret about tho. Most state colleges have pretty minimal requirements for you to enroll.

    Good luck tho! I can't wait to hear how things turn out for you! You're gonna love it! I promise! Especially if you approach it with an "I'm on a Quest" attitude.

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