Hey Yours...
What is a semester hour?
a semster hour is the measure of time that you spend in and doing the classwork..for instance, if you are taking a class for three credits you spend about that much time in the classroom, unless of course you are taking a telecourse or an online one.
What is a course credit?
each class is worth a number of credits..example Freshman English is considered a 3 hour or 3 credit class and Biology is considered a 4 hour course becuase it requires additional lab time.
What is the amount of "credits" or "hours" needed to say get a bachelor's degree?
It varies among different schools, but generall its right at 120 transferable college credits.
How does a student benefit by attending a "Junior" College as opposed to one that is not considered a "Junior College?
Usually they are the way to jump into the world of college. Cheaper, local and for the most part, almost all of the classes you take at a Junior College will transfer to a 4 year university. Junior colleges must have the same accreditation as 4 year colleges plus there is a general agreement among all colleges to accept one another's credits.
s it true that the SAT is not a required part of the admissions process anymore?
The SAT may be a requirement for some colleges and specific programs, but not in general. Texas has the TASP test that students must pass all sections
before they can take classes. If you fail any portion you must be enrolled in remedial courses to take other courses. One exemption from this rule might be thet you passed the SAT, or you took classes prior to the TASP being implemented. It varies from state to state, but all colleges have assessment tests to properly place you in the appropriate classes.
Let me know if I haven't answered your questions satisfactorily.
District Overbeer