Let's see....
I was pretty much raised in "the truth." My parents were baptised when I was 2. I was baptised in 1987, when I was 13. I was privately reproved 4 or 5 times, I think...all for dating "worldly" or "inappropriate" people, and the sort of things you do when dating. (Not actual "sex") Finally df'd nearly a year and a half ago, for sexual immorality (living with my "worldly" boyfriend), which I readily admitted and proudly said I would continue doing.
I had doubts for a while, but never voiced them (wait on Jehovah, we couldn't possibly understand), but finally had enough when the elders ignored my accusations of rape by my husband (they probably didn't think it was possible) because there weren't 2 witnesses (well DUH! he's hardly going to do it in front of someone else), and they said my father who sexually abused me and lied about it for 20+ years could stay an elder.
Never been happier. So I was in the org for about 26 years.