I Am So Sorry...

by MrMoe 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • MrMoe

    I am sorry I have been away, yes I have been posting, but I have not been replying to e-mail the way I should be, long distance is disconnected now, so I don't have the means to call any of you anymore...

    So I wanted to say I am sorry I have not stayed in touch...

    Now, somthing else I wanted to say...

    You have been here for me through the best of times and the worst. Been here for 1 year posting now (August 3rd,) and I must say this last 12 months has been mind bending for me. Lots of upsetting events, all begining with leaving the Watchtower, realizing it was all a lie. I have been out of the Borg -- IN MY HEART -- for just barely over a year now.


    Without the support of many of you, the transition of leaving the Witnesses would have been hellish, not to mention the other aspects of my life that have made me grit my teeth a time or two.

    I am sorry I have flaked off with e-mails, as things are insane and I have zero time, but your kind messages to me have more meaning than any of you will ever know.

    Without this place, I can honestly say, I KNOW for a FACT I would be a mental mess right now. You folks are my true friends, and tho we may not hang out at each other's homes and eat dinner -- each and every time we turn on our PC's we are creating our own special gathering place where none of the world understands us but US!

    Perhaps we do not always get along, or see eye to eye, but in the end, we all bleed the same unique color and feel many of the same things.

    I consider each and every one of you a very special part of me, part of a family from exotic places all across the world.

    I will stop mushing now... just wanted to say I am sorry for not staying in touch the way I should...



  • Simon


    Ok, I admit ... that was a half hug / half grope

  • DakotaRed

    Amanda, given all you have been through, you have shown a strength greater than many much older than you. Still, even if not on a personal basis, you have been here for each and every poster offering hugs and support.

    You are a grand lady!


    Lew W

  • joeshmoe

    Amanda, you were my favorite poster when I first started lurking way back in April...and some things don't change!


    Believe me baby, that hug was ALL GROPE.

    Love ya girl!


    P.S. Sorry if I'm totally out of touch, but what's this about your long distance being disconnected?

  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    Amanda, you have more heart than anyone I know. Some people you just instinctively know as special. I know this of you. Dave

  • MrMoe

    Simon -- hugs for you & Ang for creating the best therapy on earth in the first place... and a grope or 2 back

    Lew -- For having a heart of gold and being the irresistable you that you are

    Joe -- I noticed you from the get go... so *alas* tho i hate to name names, you are surely on the top of my list as fav folks here, also... GROPE GROPE

    Dave -- *blush* Glad to get to know you better... and thanks for not blasting me for the pathetic job i have been doing lately of answering back...


    Edited by - MrMoe on 14 August 2002 2:23:24

  • Naeblis

    You hate me cause im Greek dont you!

  • bboyneko

    Your forgiven.

  • MrMoe

    lol -- darn Greeks and Yellow smiley faces... Kisses to you 2 fools, shoot a whole year, can you believe it? I miss the board, the way it used to be. So many things have changed now...

    Any idea how many posters there were in August of last year compared to now?


    Edited by - MrMoe on 14 August 2002 3:3:2

  • gravedancer



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