Keys to the Kingdom........Hall

by Mister Biggs 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    I was thinking about this last night. I don't know why. Perhaps I need more excitement in my life. I dunno.

    Anyway, what's the deal with giving out keys for the Kingdom Hall? How many copies exist? In my congregation, they give keys to the Elder's, Ministerial Servant's, and Pioneer's. Since I am neither of those things (and never was) I was never given a key to the Hall. I guess I'm not good (or spiritual?) enough to be worthy of a key.

    Ironically, I DO have my own key to the friggin' shed where the lawn equipment is stored. Good enough to do FREE yard work but NOT good enough to open the doors to the Hall if I'm the first one there. Oh, well. Why am I complaining? It's not like I get there early anymore. Pretty soon, I won't be going at all!

    A question for all of you ex-JWs who posessed keys when they decided to DF you (or when you decided to DA yourself): Did they ask you to turn in your key before leaving? Also, I wonder what the legal ramifications would be if you kept your key (because they never asked for it back) and let yourself in one day during a non-meeting night. They gave you the key. You didn't sign a contract or a waiver form when you accepted the key. Hmmmm....the posibilities are endless as to what one could do if they had a key to a Kingdom Hall.

    Your thoughts are much appreciated.

  • Crazy151drinker


    You should mow F-YOU in the lawn before you leave :)

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs



  • Elsewhere

    Brings new meaning to "Like a MoFo"

  • LDH


    Ironically, I was a Reg Pio for almost four years, with my sister.

    It was like pulling teeth to get the keys. All of the pioneer brothers had keys.

    At times, when only sisters showed up for service, we had to meet outside the KH.

    With one of the sisters wearing a napkin on her head to say the prayer, LOL, as cars whizzed by.


  • Dismembered

    Mr Biggs, Sounds like typical WTBS protocol to me. "No Keys For You". Mow lawn and be happy. It Sucks

  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    Mr Biggs,

    Do they have a rest room in the Lawn Shed? What happens if you are the only one there one day mowing the lawn, and have to 'go'? How unloving of them not to provide their brother with basic access to a rest room :-)

  • Nikita


    Laughing at the image of you poor sisters standing there with the napkin!

    What is up with that-giving the brothers keys but not the sisters? That is just really lame.


    P.S. I just realized I was off on Biggs reaching Jedi by like 100+ posts! Oh my-where was my head at that day??!! Maybe it was the painkillers............

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Elsewhere- I get it! So true!

    Lisa- I was in the process of eating a Baby Ruth when I read your post. I almost "released"! I pictured you poor ladies "following direction". A napkin on her head??? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    By the way, plenty of sister's at my hall have keys.

  • Mister 8iggs
    Mister 8iggs

    Pardon me for posting under Mister 8iggs.

    There is a method to my madness. After 9/11/02, I will retire Mister 8iggs. I e-mailed Simon to receive his permission. He never responded to me but since it's not deactivated, I'm sure he approves.

    Moving on...

    LittleOldMe- No rest room in the shed. LOL! You raise an excellent point, though. I never thought of that.

    Nikita- Jedi yet, I am not.

    jjrizo- You were a rare GOOD JW.

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