Born Ins Vs Converts

by JW_Rogue 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • talesin

    I was never faced with that because of being the "shining example" (as my mother said after my fall from grace).

    But that makes sense - the JW world is all shiny and new to the converts! They weren't forced to go door-to-door as a child. "Pausing and Punctuatoin" at the TMS is still a learning experience for them. They don't miss Xmas and birthdays that much, because they had that as a child.

    Hey, be proud that you are not brainwashed. It's to your credit that you grew up JW, and never really put on the cloak of the cult personality.


  • LoveUniHateExams

    I was a convert, so I suppose I'm looking at this from a different angle.

    When I was a UBP and recently baptised teenager, I was incredibly jealous of those born-ins. Jealous of how many other JWs they knew in other congregations.

    It didn't cross my mind at the time that some born-ins knew Watchtower was b*ll*cks.

  • careful

    Anybody know which of the GB members are born-ins and which converts?

    From what I've read Morris is a convert and Sanderson a born-in. Anyone want to add to that?

    How much do you think the difference matters among them? I remember some elder meetings where the difference manifested itself... It must among them too, at least at times.

  • truthseeker100

    How much do you think the difference matters among them? I remember some elder meetings where the difference manifested itself... It must among them too, at least at times.

    Interesting question. I don't think the difference matters to the governing body at all. No one is born into the GB. They have their careers behind them now. They are set for the rest of their lives they don't have to worry about where their going to live or how their going to pay for it.

    It's funny how things come full circle. There is not much difference between those zealous converts I encountered long ago and the GB sitting in their comfortable pews encouraging the rank and file.

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