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by Bleep 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Quotes

    BLEEP, for your own edification and learning, SLANDER is and ORAL statement. Go to the Merriam Webster website (www.m-w.com) and look up SLANDER and you will find the following definition for the NOUN form of the word:

    Main Entry: 2 slander
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Middle English sclaundre, slaundre, from Old French esclandre, from Late Latin scandalum stumbling block, offense -- more at SCANDAL
    Date: 14th century
    1: the utterance of false charges or misrepresentations which defame and damage another's reputation
    2: a false and defamatory oral statement about a person -- compare LIBEL

    I believe the word you are searching for is LIBEL:

    Main Entry: 1 libel
    Pronunciation: 'lI-b&l
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Middle English, written declaration, from Middle French, from Latin libellus, diminutive of liber book
    Date: 14th century
    1 a: a written statement in which a plaintiff in certain courts sets forth the cause of action or the relief sought barchaic: a handbill especially attacking or defaming someone
    2 a: a written or oral defamatory statement or representation that conveys an unjustly unfavorable impression b (1) : a statement or representation published without just cause and tending to expose another to public contempt (2) : defamation of a person by written or representational means (3) : the publication of blasphemous, treasonable, seditious, or obscene writings or pictures (4) : the act, tort, or crime of publishing such a libel

    Although definition (2 A) of LIBEL allows for ORAL as well as written comments, in Common Law LIBEL is always WRITTEN words (for example, this forum).

    Note also that for something to be defined as LIBEL is must "convey an unjustly unfavorable impression" and "tending to expose another to public contempt".

    Just thought you could use a friendly correction, since you seem to be (mis) using SLANDER often.

    Edited by - Quotes on 14 August 2002 16:44:23

    Edited by - Quotes on 14 August 2002 16:44:58

  • NeonMadman
    So you consider a poll with no proof of evidence from one person true?

    There's as much evidence for that poll as the Watchtower has for many of its main doctrines. Bleep, yet you swallow everything they say without questioning...

  • Bleep

    Did anyone look it up in Websters?

  • Bleep

    I am talking about my poll and not the Watchtower...

    I asked people here if God is a person, place, or thing. Then I also added spirit and none of the above. If you want another poll just ask.

  • ISP

    Yeah do another Poll, Bleep. You are probably not used to thinking for yourself.


  • Quotes
    Did anyone look it up in Websters?

    OK, here you go, although I'm not sure how this relates to your poll of people's opinions:

    From Merriam-Webster Online (www.m-w.com).

    Main Entry: 1 god
    Pronunciation: 'gd also 'god
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German got god
    Date: before 12th century
    1 capitalized : the supreme or ultimate reality: as a : the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshiped as creator and ruler of the universe b Christian Science : the incorporeal divine Principle ruling over all as eternal Spirit : infinite Mind
    2 : a being or object believed to have more than natural attributes and powers and to require human worship; specifically : one controlling a particular aspect or part of reality
    3 : a person or thing of supreme value
    4 : a powerful ruler

    It is interesting to note definition 1-B, which is specific to the beliefs of Christian Science. I wonder if they proudly point to this inclusion in the dictionary as some sort of "proof" of the validity of their beliefs, incorrectly assuming that just because they get a special definition of "god" in the dictionary that this is somehow a show of support for their particular definition.

  • zenpunk

    You're 29 bleep? You need to marry a nice sister. Or go to Bethel. Why are you wasting time arguing with those who are going to die when the end comes?

  • sunshineToo
    I asked people here if God is a person, place, or thing. Then I also added spirit and none of the above. If you want another poll just ask.

    I didn't know you were taking this poll. Come on, guys! Let's give our Bleepy a break.

    But Bleep, when does your school start? Don't you need to get ready for your school? Oh, by the way, please don't miss Connie Chung at CNN tonight.

  • Crazy151drinker

    Using WT mathematical logic we find that 29 really means 2+9 which = 11 Bleep's true age proven by the Bible.

  • sunshineToo

    Hmmmm......I think our Bleepy is .....maybe 14 but no more than 15. Then again he could be even younger.

    (GASP) Bleep, do you have your parents' permission for this?

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