Some seem to want it both ways, I note that many of the JW antagonist are opposed to the whole concept of disfellowshiping (because many of them have been kicked out), and yet they want others to be removed on the statement of one person: Elder Jones, Br. Smith hugged me, not to worry Sister, we will kick him out of the congregation, and turn him over to the police. It seems that to some, the JWs will always be in the wrong, if they remove someone, then others will complain; what right do you have to remove him/her, if they do not remove a person then the same faultfinders will say: How can you let him/her be a member of the congregation. I think that its ironic that people who say that they want nothing to do with the WTS or JWs will spend so much time and effort looking for the JWs to fall so that they can jump all over them. Some people seem to have way to much free time."