Why must sisters wear skirts?

by purrpurr 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • purrpurr

    And or dresses? Just what is wrong with a smart pair of trousers? I'm sure that the women would not start behaving like men or imagining that they have a dick!

    Why? In my view it makes JW's look like backwards weridos and loonys

  • Divergent

    Never saw the logic of it. After all, jeans are ok!

    Besides, it's ok for brothers to wear kilts, so why not vice-versa?

  • purrpurr
    I notice that not fundamental style religions seem to have this rule. Still no idea why though
  • FayeDunaway

    Because everyone is repressed and has dirty minds and they wouldnt be able to handle the definition that pants bring.

    Sure, Hillary Clinton and Angela merkel can do it and nobody thinks anything about it. Bankers, real estate agents, female ceo's do it. Female pastors do it.

    Like well trimmed beards, perfectly acceptable in todays society, and even the most upstanding citizens can have them, women in dress pants is still a ways a way for such a backwards religion as the jw's.

  • punkofnice

    It's called 'control'. There is no logic to it on first glance.

    Then, look at all the other control mechanisms the WBT$ enslaves the sheeple with.

    Women are 2nd class citizens in the organisation and are treated like crap. Unless of course, her husband is the congregation bully. Then the other sisters will worship the cow like a queen. Women, in the WBT$ are treated with less grace than a paedophile.

    Beards, skirts, ties.....all control mechanisms from the pervert protecting cult.

  • blondie
  • JWdaughter

    There is something in bible about men wearing womens clothes or vice versa. However, inthose days they all wore simple lenngths of fabric-very similar. Like the difference between womens shirts buttoning on the other side. So it wasnt about pants, but wearing pants meant for other gender.it was really stylistic. They all covered their heads, even. Fundamentalists have taken a clothing style from another period of time-not ours or a biblical time and determined that those times defined make/female garbs. In the 1700s men wore pants and women wore dresses. Not much exception to the rule.that amish mindset is in some christian groups.

    The scripture would perhaps have taken issue with bruce dressing like a girl, but just as mush if kim kardashian wore a mans kilt vs a womans plaid skirt(tho probably happy she is covered at all;) )

  • umbertoecho

    This is true and it happened four years ago. At the meeting there was this woman sitting right on the aisle side so that she could be seen by more people. She sat there in her white pants, her "super white" pants. Her arms were crossed in defiance and her head was held high. I wondered who she was for I had not seen her before, at least, not in pants.

    All the brothers and sisters acted as of nothing was different. It was a lesson in pretending she did not exist. I thought it took guts for her as she sat there throughout the entire meeting, along with the singing and the prayer.

    Having been hauled over the coals for wearing footless tights and showing some skin around my shoulders and chest, I felt proud in some way for her stubbornness. I don't know how she did it. As I said, the JWs there were pretending so hard that it was palpable the amount of tension in the hall that day.

  • umbertoecho

    Isn't there something in the bible about women and their hair too. I can't recall which scripture it is. I think it's about women not cutting their hair.

    I was encouraged to have mine chopped off as it was and still is very long.........

    Anyway, at our hall, we had this WT mag tacked to the board down the back. The witnesses in that hall were using the pictures there to show what the standard of dress is to be expected.

  • PaintedToeNail
    When in Europe in 2001, I encounter 2 sisters street witnessing. One wore dress slacks, the other wore...JEANS! My Euro relative was upset that the one sister was in JEANS. The slacks were absolutely acceptable. Slacks were also worn to the KH, much to my surprise.

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