I did go to college, but I went the route of day release study while working full time, rather than continuing in full time education after 18yrs old. As it happens, I was incredibly lucky that the job I took at 18 put me down that route, as I would have taken any job going to avoid university.
In the UK, 16 year olds may choose not to continue their education, and of course, it was considered ideal to leave education at this age. I did A'levels until I was 18, then found full time work.
In my area, although the most worthy course was to pioneer, and find the most back breaking low paid part time work, working full time was still viewed more favourably than studying full time. The real reason is that higher education is encouraging you to think for yourself. I was the brunt of occasional criticism, but never had any hassle from elders.
In my case, I think I took the best route for me, regardless of JW attitudes to education. I still don't think continuing in full time education would have been the successful course for me.