On the net you see many talk about 1975 and how it affected so many. Obviously, some left the organization when nothing happened in 1975. Were you personally affected by 1975? Has the fixing of dates been a major reason for your disappointment with the Witnesses? Personally, I never believed in 1975's significance. What really bothers me is the holding of dates like 1914, 1918 and 1935.
by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends
Big Tex
I agree. I never thought 1975 was it, for the simple reason that no one is supposed to know when. I remember arguing with the presiding overseer out in service about it. He kept quoting from the old Revelation book and using that old thing about 6,000 years being up in 1975.
As for 1914, I think it's a significant year (certainly World War I is one of the most under appreciation events in the 20th century), but I don't think Christ returned then. I think that in the Bible when God makes an appearance, it is obvious. Same with 1935, I never really bought that God waited until 1935 to separate the heavenly hope and the earthly hope.
It bothered me that they did. When I read the wt. mags on that subject, I was so shocked. And pretending as if they never did was even worse. I wished they made a heartfelt apology instead of telling their followers just to "adjust their thoughts".
I agree. I never thought 1975 was it, for the simple reason that no one is supposed to know when.
I can remember getting upset at others who were buy into it hook line and sinker and Emptying out their bank accounts and putting their homes up for sale.
I can remember thinking to myself, "What if it really did" But I could never completely buy into it for that very reason. NO BODY IS SUPPOSED TO KNOW!
I could not understand why in the hell a member of the GB and POs and COs etc etc would even consider suggesting much less PREDICT a date for
Armeggedon. Armageddon GEEEEESH!If I was able to question that (in my mind) at the time Why wouldn't adults for crying out loud!
The typical response I would get from "smarter" more intellectual adults was "Your young and will see things diferently once you mature" Yeh buddy LOL
Edited by - plmkrzy on 15 August 2002 0:32:55
I had married an unbeliever when 1975 rolled around and was not attending meetings.Let me tell you, I got scared every time there was a thunderstorm.I was glad when that year passed.Sounds silly,huh?
My parents were baptised in 1975, and didn't see why I needed to go to school (my birthday is in Oct., but the school was going to allow me to start kindergarten at 4 because I already knew how to read) because "Armageddon will be here very soon."
My 10 year high school reunion was this summer.
An elder in my congregation said that if the New System didn't come in 1975 he would eat his hat.
I hope the hat was yummy!
Minimus, you and I came to this board on the same day. And I welcome you, believe me! You have started numerous threads that touch my heart. I could share with you many of my experiences, and sincerely desire to do so.
However, I know very little about you! Another poster previously asked you to share your story, and I have been looking forward to your response.
OTOH, I haven't posted my story either! Wanna make a trade? If so, I will post my story first.
If I am being an ass, just tell me to shove off!
Very sincerely, Craig
1975 wuz a good year for me.
I never thought the world would end.
Mind you, I was only three.
LOL @ Spaz
1975 affected me in a different manner being a child. I and my brother were kept from attending school until the year prior. The reason? Because we would be affected by all the "Worldly" people. The "End" was nigh so keep us from harms way among other reasons I believe. So at the ripe ages of 9 and almost 10 we were entered into the FIRST grade. This issue was forced by social services.
Outcasts for our beliefs, standing in the hall during flag salute, no holidays accompanied by the fact we were giants among the rest of the children it was a horrible experience. We were already partaking in the student talks so we did not enter school as idiots, just backwards.