Watchtower Pukes:
I find it humerous that YOU, who have successfully put out "information" to folks for 123 years that after those 123 years, other folks are putting out "information" about YOU. In your OWN words. In print, even. That crap that you print in the zillions of copies, even. And give or sell it to the PUBLIC, too!
Fair is fair, and its's time for YOU to get screwed. Gawd knows you've screwed uncounted others all to your own glory. You are LIARS. The pidgeons have come home to roost and you cannot do a thing about it. I'm only one of many voices and even though I shout a lot, there are THOUSANDS MORE JUST LIKE ME.
Humans crave for the truth. You deny your victims that. Humans scream for justice. You deny them that, too. You live and exist for your own Glory and nothing else. You have reaped what you have sowed and you will face your "harvest" because of what you have sowed. You have sowed hate and lies and hurt and injustice and more lies and guilt for decades and you will face the results of your "fine works" that you frequently glorify yourselves with, while ignoring what you've REALLY sowed. In short, you will reap your own whirlwind. And it is coming like a tornado, my ex-"Brothers".
I spit on you and laugh at your impotence and your arrogance. You're not as tough as you think.
There's MORE grief coming your way. I know. Reap your whirlwind, Pharisees!
Edited by - Farkel on 15 August 2002 0:44:38