When you have the "who is the poster you like least competition" I know this post will enable you to choose Gravedancer as a prime candidate but TFB here goes:
It would seem as if everyone here is convinced that the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses is rife with molestors and they are raping kids at every juncture and every chance they get. Perhaps with the latest attention Silentlambs has been getting this issue is just more prevalent but the reactions of some seem so stooped in personal bitterness that they are willing to just blindly accuse any JW of being a molestor (even when they know nothing else about that person other than the person is a JW).
True I agree 110% that the policy of the 2 witness rule needs to be changed immediately and victims should be encouraged to go to the police. That is not what this post is about. I truly am sympathetic to the victims of abuse and have contributed to their cause.
But if I was a JW coming to a place like this and all these blind accusations were being thrown about that inferred all JWS are molestors I would just conclude that everyone here was totally looney.
We moderate language here, but how about each poster trying to moderate reality too.