Pagan Daybook

by gsx1138 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • gsx1138

    Just another page from the Pagan daybook of mine.

    August 15, 2002

    Thursday - the of Thunor, or Thor, the god of thunder and agriculture.

    Festival of Arianrod, the great mother goddess, end of the dog days

    Today is sacred to the great mother goddess, for fertility. The end of the dog days marks

    the passing of the hottest portion of the year.

    12:39 am

    The old Welsh tide of nawn

    The modern tide of noontide

    The wind of Auster

    The direction of south

    The virtue of sustenance

  • Sirona

    Nice Gsx,

    I'm not sure how many people on here are pagan though, there is only a handful of us.

    Blessed be!


  • gsx1138

    I know, but there are plenty of Christians and Atheists here. Just thought I'd give a little insight into our world. Besides I think there are more of us here than you think.

  • betweenworlds

    Thanks for posting this!!! 
    More, More! please :) 
    I'm studying pagan beliefs and found this very interesting. I just got done reading Scott Cunningham's Wicca: A guide
    for the solitary practitioner which I found to be quite good. Also just read Pagans and Christians The personal spiritual experience by Gus DiZerega which is EXCELLENT!
  • Sirona

    Hi Between worlds

    Feel free to mail me with any questions you may have about pagan stuff I started with that bookd too....

    Blessed be


  • Silverleaf

    Hi fellow Pagans, et al,

    I read "Pagans and Christians" too. It gets a little wordy at times but overall I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a little insight.


  • dmouse

    I'm curious, what are pagan beliefs 'in a nutshell'?

  • betweenworlds

    Hey Sirona! Thanks so much :) I'll do that. ((hugs))

    Hi Dmouse. I don't know how qualified I am to answer your question but my take on it is this:

    Pagans believe in a great spirit or creator (The all) that has both feminine and masculine qualities that are interpreted as the God and the Goddess. Pagans don't believe that the creator sits up above us on a big throne floating around in heaven somewhere, but that that the God and Goddess (or Lord and Lady) are in all and everything. There are many interpretations of the God and Goddess in many cultures (Diana, Athena, Zeus, Pan, Inanna, etc.) Wiccans believe that you can harness natural energy through magick to help accomplish goals in life. Harnessing this energy through meditation and Magick is not much different than heartfelt prayer that a christian might use) It's not spooky of demonized AT ALL (Wiccans don't believe in Satan so they certainly don't worship him :) )If I've gotten anything wrong so far please please correct me lol Well that's just a few points....hope that helps a little.

    I find it so strange that one persons interpretation of God can be considered to better than someone elses? Why is a male version sitting up on a throne with a beard who smites people who tick him off with a lighting bolt upside the head, better than say another persons version of a loving creatress or mother who comforts her children when they need help?

    lol...I know I'm rambling :)

    betweenworlds (of the scattered thought class)

  • ugg

    yes,,,i am curious also,,,,what is a pagen and their belief system,,,,"in a nut shell" thanks

  • ugg

    thanks,,,,the above explaination was perfect.....

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