I believe our old friend Cygnus had surgery this week too...lets keep him in our thoughts.
Love ya cyggie!
by LovesDubs 13 Replies latest jw friends
I believe our old friend Cygnus had surgery this week too...lets keep him in our thoughts.
Love ya cyggie!
Here's to a speedy recovery!
I believe his surgery has been postponed until September.
Edited by - Imbue on 15 August 2002 16:46:24
good luck jason, we loves ya!!!! *smooches and hugs!*
I talked to his relative yesterday and he said it was postponed until tthe last week of September.
Hang in there Cygnus!!
Wishing all the best and a speedy recovery!
Thanks guys. My surgery is scheduled for Sept 5. I had to have some dental work done so they had to postpone. Your mouth has to be in tip-top shape before they will operate on your heart. I wish I was in IC now though.... get this over with and start feeling better.
He is, and has been for months, in yahoo voice chat. He is on mic as I type.
Surgery is Sept. 5th.
I'm so sorry to hear that you have this hanging over your head. May your surgery be quick, successful and soon healed.
Cygnus...Don't know you but really enjoy your posts...double up on the Viagra and full-speed ahead to a complete recovery. Look forward to your healthy return.