Crisis of Consience market price (we are in a bull market)

by NewYork44M 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Heaven
    I have a copy and would sell it for a grand in a heart beat!
  • Athanasius

    Back in the 1980s when COC first came out, our local public library had three copies available. But within 6 months they had all been lost. Rumor had it that the JWs were swiping copies from the library and destroying them. The library purchased two more copies of COC, that also disappeared. Back then you could get a hardcover copy for $10, so whoever was stealing them wasn't doing it for profe.

    If the JWs are buying up copies of COC and destroying them, it would help make the book rare and inflate the price for second hand copies.

  • Zoos

    I like having a hard copy of a book so I can take it to bed with me. I don't like reading for extended periods at the computer. So I bought the PDF version of the book and then printed it out at home. Got a binder for it and the whole project cost me about $25.

    The one mistake I made was using my old inkjet printer. For some of the photo copy items in the book, the quality made it difficult to read. If you don't have a laser printer at home I recommend you take it to a Staples or Office Max or some such.

  • Watchtower-Free

    In Search Of Christian Freedom.................................. PDF

  • skepticSam
    These are called "Spoof Prices", they don't sell or reflect the true nature of the Market.
  • Dogpatch

    It is simple. Ray had a glut of the previous 3rd-cover edition, before the last paperback version, which was revised from the hardcover. Ray had a garage full of hardcovers that weren't selling good, since a newer and cheaper paperback version was printed by Amazon. Dan Dystra And his wife Deb took care of Cynthia, and Deb took over the book sales, and wanted to get rid of the remaining hardcovers, so they didn't want to paperback on Amazon yet. So

    Deb and Cynthia decided it was best to hold back distributing the newer revised paperback until they unloaded much of the hardcovers. There were stalls along the way. Not a scheme, just they need to unload a garage full of books, originally printed by Tom Cabeen's company.

    So now you can get the newer paperback cheap, and the older hardcover. Best bet is the downloads! Save your money.

    No scam, just practical idea that took way too long to implement, thus the VERY high prices on Amazon for awhile. Before Deb, I was basically the only authorized seller except for a couple of others of his friends.

    Now Amazon has the rights to print and distribute it. But it is offline for now, and only the expensive versions are listed. Get a digital copy! I shut down my store, and never made much money from them, although I sold thousands over the years, I guess the garage still has quite a few paperbacks left. Not good marketing strategy for such a needed book, but the girls must know what they are doing. (???)

  • Dogpatch
    It's not intentional I'm sure. We are talking about seniors trying to work Amazon and sales but without marketing strategy.
  • Daniel1555

    In German you can buy it for Eur 21.00 and Eur 48.00.

    It is still produced by a group who want to help cult victims.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    Dogpatch, is there any way that you can take control of the book?
  • RubaDub

    I think the $1,000 editions are the ones autographed by Anthony Morris.

    Rub a Dub

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