About The GB-7

by coalize 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • millie210

    I think they closed rank on who the FDS was because the "remnant" scattered around the world were seen by the GB as getting entirely too full of themselves.

    Little peon "anointed" in their own Halls and along the side ways and by ways were uttering their thoughts and regular publisher people were "ohhh" "ahhh" over it.

    The change of the overlapping generation was an ideal time to just change the base of power also. Pull it back in to a straight up and down arena of control of 7 men in NYC.

    Naturally, this has resulted in more disgruntled "anointed" ones round the world. Some of started websites critical of the GB in NYC but for the most part it is unimportant to the publishers it would seem.

  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me

    The Governing Body proclaimed themselves the Slave because they believe themselves to be anointed, or claim to be anointed, and put in charge of Jehovah's organization. The reality of course is that they are just ordinary men charged by other ordinary men to lead a religion.

    Small, sad, men who do not know their left from their right. Men who have no spiritual clothes and must rely on their Helpers to blindly lead and point the way.

    By the way, the monthly JW Broadcast is late.

  • millie210
    Hold Me-Thrill Me.
    By the way, the monthly JW Broadcast is late.


    Is the Holy Spirit getting backlogged?

  • Magnum

    I believe millie210 is right.

    Originally, JWs taught that all the anointed on earth at any given time made up the FDS. The governing body was supposed to just be the spokesman for the FDS.

    I believe that what happened is that non-GB partakers were a thorn in the side of the GB. They were writing in or calling in and giving their opinions and suggestions and maybe even disagreeing and complaining. After all, supposedly they were equals of the GB. The GB was supposed to just speak for all the anointed, not have exclusive rights to doctrine and policy.

    So, the GB began to look for ways to remove this thorn, and it came up the "new light" - that the GB = the FDS. All the non-GB partakers were, with one Watchtower article, demoted. They no longer had any more say-so than a teen-aged microphone carrier.

    Now the GB supposedly have all the power. I say "supposedly" because I don't know whether there are some who have control over the GB, like powerful old-timers at Bethel.

    It feels so different now. It seems so much more cultish now that JWs answer to seven men, instead of a large group who have equal say-so. As somebody on this site wrote in the last few years, substitute their names and it seems so much worse. "We do what Tony, Sam, Stephen, David, Geoffrey, Gerrit, & Mark say. We answer to them."

  • DesirousOfChange

    Just asking about this "new light" of the 7 member of the Governing Body (the GB-7) being the FDS.....What is the point?

    The point is that there are 1,000s of "newly" professed anointed ones in the past couple of decades that all thought they had the same "connection" to Holy Spirit Revelations and the GB were tired of all the letters and calls there were getting from these mentally ill kooks, so New Lite and now THEY the Seven Grand Pubas are the only F&DS and the other Kooks are just that -- KOOKS


  • Vidiot
    All hail the Dragnificent Seven!
  • coalize

    Thank you for your explanations.

    Funny and sad in the same time.

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