Get my ice skates, hell has frozen over. I agree with comfortor.
by comforter 73 Replies latest jw friends
Get my ice skates, hell has frozen over. I agree with comfortor.
So what did people do before the Family Life Book? Live in totally chaos?
I know comforter, you think love is all about being 'nice', especially to those who 'deserve' nice things - the 'clean' ones.
Like the love you're showing now comforter, speaking 'nice' and all the while reveling in evil happening to others. That true jw love.
Ever had a lolly that was soft on the outside and so hard in the middle that you nearly broke your back tooth on it. I prefer the ones that are hard on the outside and soft in the middle - even the ones that are hard on the outside and all the way through - just not the first type.
Edited by - bang on 16 August 2002 23:51:1
For once he makes a good point. It's pretty pathetic
No, he doesn't, his point is BS, and your saying that it's pathetic is pretty lame considering how much 'fuel you heaped on the fire' in the first place.
Is it a waffle yet? Let me know when it's nice & golden brown.
i am free. if you follow and believe in the Son of God, you are free. but liberty does not mean license. and even a "free" society can disagree without being disagreebale.
comfy giving his pov
comfrter think love is laid out for us in 1 corinthians 13. jesus also taught christians to love everfybody. you know he said to love your enemies and pray for those that spitefully use you. comforter follow that counsel.
may comforter ask why you use a fake identity? you are out of the org, right? do you think somebody gonna find out who you are and call for a hit? plenty of people on this place use fake names. why you got a beef with my identity? Are you a bigot?
Brother Comforter, well OK let's have Bible study out of a book. That's right fine. Since you don't live in the hood, we could do it over the internet. Yes, I have been out for a long time, but I remember it all very well, so I will progress from a new study to baptism in about four weeks. Just think of it. Now, regarding the concept of disagreeing without being disagreeabale, I kinda learned that on my own, without any of them there books.
love your enemies and pray for those that spitefully use you. comforter follow that counsel.
Name of post - How good and pleasant it is..... i.e. that my enemies are involved in and doing evil.
before we start our bible study, i would like to kindly suggest, not demand, that you go meet with your local elders to make arrangements for reinstatement. then i will be delighted to study with yo. and may comforter ask if you is colered? since you mentioned living in the hood, i did not know if you a brother or not. not that it matter because we all God's chillin.