Reading this might be hard.. Emotionally.. This is the truth...

by Jaewook kim 77 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Jaewook kim
    Jaewook kim

    And like i said, im not one of you guys. Im not jehovah's witness.

    im non believer of all. Well, atleast was.

  • FayeDunaway
    Jae I don't really understand what your theory is. It's not coming across clearly enough.
  • Jaewook kim
    Jaewook kim

    Scientifically, photon is inter dimensional particle like wave is my guess.

    Reason why little kids always ask why? Questioning nature.

    i questioned nature from its basic as in creator's point of view. Why is this happening.

    At the end i got stuck in Sun light so i digged into wikipedia.

    light can be bent by water to make rainbow.

    when light is bent, time should be bent too so rainbow can not be made, based on quantized theory.

    but rather, rainbow is made and time is still constant.

    so equation doesnt add up.

    albert einstein clearly said, if fact is not fitting into ur theory, change the fact.

    so i changed the fact of time. And new knowledge just came in.

  • oppostate

    As the twilight curtsies

    to the coming night,

    light blue hues and whites

    seem weirdly bright,

    and the setting Sun

    paints shades of orange

    pink across the distant clouds.

  • Jaewook kim
  • Jaewook kim
    Jaewook kim
    Jesus is ideal and wonderful, but you Christians - you are not like him.

    Once u understand basic concept of time, you couldnt agree anymore than him about jesus and christians.
  • Jaewook kim
    Jaewook kim

    Im not trying to be an ass or anything.

    i just cant find any false on this.

    So help me.

  • Witness My Fury
  • Magnum

    i just cant find any false on this.

    You haven't made clear what "this" is. Are you saying that you've determined that the current understanding in physics about the nature of time and/or light is wrong?

    I think that at least one of the following is true:

    1) You have not got a good feel for the English language.

    2) You're smoking some good stuff.

    3) You're nuts.

    4) You're brilliant and just not a good communitcator.

  • Bonsai

    5) You need a new hobby.

    6) You speaketh in a language I don't understandeth.

    I think you should try writing some haikus and poetry. You just might have the knack for it.

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