If the WTS ruled the world this is what it would be like....
“Under Watchtowerism we would have a state in the proper sense of the word, that is, a special machine for the suppression of the freedom of of one class by another.”
“While the Watchtower Society rules there can be no freedom. When there is freedom there can be no Watchtower rule.”
“Only constant repetition will finally succeed in imprinting an idea on the memory of the crowd”
They are already experts at this using their magazines…imagine if they controlled all the world news media…like Cnn opps I mean Wnn (Watchtower News Network)
The GB will probably come up with this type of propaganda:
“It is true that liberty is precious – so precious that it must be rationed.”
“We are advocates of the abolition of war, we do not want war; but war can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun and eliminate all those pesky apostates.”
“The Watchtower Society is an instrument in the hands of God for suppressing the resistance of his enemies. ( ie: Those pesky apostates…..AGAIN!!!)”
Last but not least this would be the WTS most used tactic:
“The broad mass of the nation (apart the surviving apostates)...will more easily fall victim to big lies than to a small ones”
Best regards
Gianluca of The Rebel Class……