I already like this site - a lot.
I like the fact that a lot of the long-time users here still want to retain the coffee shop/across-the-hall chat atmosphere which prevails.
I also sincerely hope that some of the excellent spiritual debaters I enjoyed so much from H 20 keep their pencils sharpened and their personal attacks to themselves. Like a lot of others, I would like to see ill-mannered insults and lewd cracks relegated to personal email communication between the combatants. As Billy Joel used to sing, 'Go ahead with your own life, but leave me (us) alone'. And/or 'You can speak your mind, but not on my (our) time'.
Regarding size, and H20 Rick's apparent longing for it, in comparison to JW Discussion, I am reminded of that classic Volkswagen 'Beetle' press advertisement from the Doyle Dane Bernbach halycon days of the 1960's. Their ad agency, DDB, used to run this full in The New York Times with just a photograph of their cute, trustworthy but enigmatic little car. The copywriter only need two classic words to make his/her headline. They were: 'Think Big'.