Need a good laugh?

by FadeToBlack 20 Replies latest social humour

  • FadeToBlack

    If you could use a good laugh please have a look at page 7 of the July 2015 Awake.

    My wife leaves the latest issues on my pillow when she gets back from her meetings. I often scan through them looking for nonsense. When I saw this gem, I burst out laughing!

    Later, I asked her to tell me what was her first thought when she saw the picture. I prefaced my question with a remark about not being critical, just wondering what this was about. Of course she hadn't seen it yet.

    When I showed her the pic, she had the same reaction. When she recovered, she suggested that maybe he was going to a meeting. She also sends mags to her son and she said he would for sure have the same reaction.

    I was wondering what kind of shoes he was wearing , then I saw the front cover. Classic.

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  • punkofnice
    A calm man in control of his boat Is this the one? Why is he dressed like that in a canoe??????
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  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once
    Maybe Land o' Lakes butter is changing its image?
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  • FadeToBlack
    Yes, Punk. Thanks for posting it. Doen't everyone dress like that when they are 'recreating'?
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  • FadeToBlack

    @Wasanelder Once: close, but I don't think it will work.

  • _Morpheus

    Rotfl!! What the hell.....

  • punkofnice

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  • umbertoecho
    This is insane! Appropriate dress standards! Just tack this one to the back of the hall and refer to it when unsure of how to dress when paddling on a lake.
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  • oppostate

    This person on the canoe is being very unsafe.

    Instead of a power-red-tie he should be wearing a life-vest or some sort of flotation device (maybe even featuring a JWorg logo on it).

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  • ToesUp

    Maybe he is treking to his meeting through crocodile infested waters. He may also have to worry about being attacked by native tribes that have recently murdered his entire family. He has remained faithful and Jah will bless him for his faithfulness. That is the revised version from the GB! lol

    This picture just shows how unrealistic this cult is.

    Great picture for a laugh!

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