Scientists almost created life in a lab?!

by abiather 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    Kate Wild - Soai showed that natural selection makes it inevitable that one side will always win out in a racemic mixture. No magic required.

  • KateWild


    Soai showing that natural selection will make it inevitable one side wins evidence to me the process is's always the same side in nature. L-enantiomers.

    You don't believe it's guided but I do. I havent made up my mind fully yet. If there is new evidence to support this process is unguided I am interested in knowing it and I will change my mind.

    Kate xx

  • KateWild

    Racemic mixtures formed in the lab with no catalyst remain racemic. No sides win out in this case cofty.

    Kate xx

  • Viviane

    1)      We replaced perfect language (eg. Sanskrit, according to NASA, something they found out in their process of developing artificial intelligence) with imperfect languages.

    As your first proof, you shouldn't pick something that never happened, that's only reported on blogs with no source reference and nothing, absolutely NOTHING every said by NASA about this.

    Once again, you've got it exactly backwards.

    racemic mixtures formed in the lab with no catalyst remain racemic. No sides win out in this case cofty.

    Which, as has been pointed out many times, is still not evidence of anything you claim. It's simply your belief.

  • Simon

    How do you almost create life?

    What is the basis for believing it's nearly life? To my simplistic understanding it would be a binary thing - it's either life or it isn't and while it isn't then you haven't created it.

    I hope they do, it will be another nail in the coffin of religion, but until they do I think it's premature to make the claims for it. "close, but no cigar" isn't close enough.

  • abiather


    I did not mention the source as it was not the subject. Here are some the published materials:

    1) NASA’s rating of Sanskrit as the perfect language was published in the 1985 spring issue of AI (Artificial Intelligence) Magazine.NASA researcher Rick Briggs who wrote in it: “In the past 20 years, much time, effort, and money have been expended on designing an unambiguous representation of natural languages to make them accessible to computer processing. These efforts have centered around creating schemata designed to parallel logical relations expressed by the syntax and semantics of natural languages, which are clearly cumbersome and ambiguous in their function as vehicles for the transmission of logical data. Understandably, there is a widespread belief that natural languages are unsuitable for the transmission of many ideas that artificial languages can render with great precision and mathematical rigor. But this dichotomy, which has served as a premise underlying much work in the areas of linguistics and artificial intelligence, is a false one. There is at least one language, Sanskrit, which for the duration of almost 1000 years was a loving spoken language with a considerable literature of its own. Besides works of literary value, there was a long philosophical and grammatical tradition that has continued to exist with undiminished vigor until the present century. Among the accomplishments of the grammarians can be reckoned a method for paraphrasing Sanskrit in a manner that is identical not only in essence but in form with current work in Artificial Intelligence.”

    2)      Interestingly, the very word Sanskrit itself means perfected speech (

    3)      “The Sanskrit of the Vedas and the epics has already earmarks of a classical and literary tongue, used only by scholars and priests; the very word Sanskrit means ‘prepared, pure, perfect, sacred.’ (Will Durant says in Our Oriental Heritage p. 406)

    4)      “No other country can produce any grammatical system at all comparable to it, either for originality or plan or analytical subtlety. . .  a perfect miracle of condensation.” Professor Sir Monier Williams, Indian Wisdom, p. 172.

  • Viviane

    I did not mention the source as it was not the subject. Here are some the published materials:

    Sourcing information is very important. Without it, we can't check accuracy or verify things. Having said that, let's talk about your sources:

    1. Note that the article never said what you claimed, that Sankrit was perfect and that NASA didn't write the article. Rick Briggs, a guy who works for NASA, wrote the article . That's not at ALL the same.

    2 -4. Irrelevant to your claims.

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