Sir David Eady to give judgement on the Watctower Appeal in the Otuo v Morley and Watch Tower case at the High Court tommorrow

by Adwoa Kromo 26 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Mephis

    Did the WBTS really try to claim they could re-define the meaning of the word 'fraud' so it wouldn't be defamatory? Just too funny. They keep turning up to British courts thinking they're in the US and that the word 'religion' grants some automatic immunity from being made to answer in court.

    Can't imagine the pressures on Mr.Otuo as he does this himself. All the best to him really as he seeks answers and closure.

  • dozy

    It's an odd case. The guy was DFd for fraud but only on some kind of technical fraud on the basis of a letter that has been destroyed. I can't really figure out exactly what the full story is.

    It's interesting that increasingly ( in child abuse & other cases ) the courts are starting to push beyond the "ecclesiastical privilege" defence that for long religions like the JWs & others have relied upon.

    I suspect that the WTBTS will not like its dirty laundry hung out in public and won't like its procedures investigated so they will offer Mr Otuo some money to settle. They certainly wouldn't want any kind of precedent established that JC decisions can be challenged in court.

    JCs are basically kangaroo courts. In fact - my own exit began partly as a result of a totally shambolic DFing of someone in my congregation when I finally had to accept that they was absolutely no "God's spirit" at work in any way. The incompetence is almost breathtaking at times and the Society have got away with them for years because nobody can challenge them. Maybe that is starting to change - that can only be a good thing.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro
    So the WT lost their appeal on summary judgement and the case will move forward?
  • jwleaks

    Thanks for the update. Generally speaking WTBTS has a regular failure rate at seeking the dismissal of a case in the early stages. Now we can sit back and watch the lies and false testimony begin as WTBTS implement their 'theocratic warfare' doctrine so as to win.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    From the judgement:

    "I bear in mind Mr Daniel's warning that I may be allowing myself to be diverted by a "smokescreen", but it simply illustrates why the facts need to be properly investigated after full pleadings have become available, disclosure of documents has taken place and witness statements have been exchanged. Only then will the smoke have cleared."

    Mr. Daniels works for Watchtower. It's ironic that on one hand Watchtower complains judicially of a smokescreen yet simultaneously depends so heavily on smokescreen to keep the public from knowing what really happens inside its self-organized and managed shunning program.

    Watchtower has done this before. In 1981 take a look at how Watchtower complained about lack of public view and review:

    Criminal trials were doubtless much speedier in Israel than they are at present in countries such as the United States, where clogged courts and elaborate procedure give rise to many delays. Since the local court was situated at the city gates, there was no question about the trial being public! (Deut. 16:18-20) No doubt the public trials helped influence the judges toward carefulness and justice, qualities that sometimes vanish in secret star-chamber hearings. What about witnesses? Witnesses in Bible times were required to testify publicly. For this reason they were warned not to be influenced in their testimony by the pressure of public opinion “so as to turn aside with the crowd in order to pervert justice.” Perjury was not punished with a jail term, but with whatever punishment the false witness had sought to bring upon the defendant—even death!--(Awake, published by Watchtower, January 22, 1981, p. 17)

    To this very day Watchtower disallows third-party viewing of its "judicial" activities even when requested by the accused. The very safeguards Watchtower admits as important the result of public review it rejects by disallowing third-party viewing (when it's requested).

    Watchtower's tactics in the public arena are beyond contempt. The organization's leadership is overloaded with rot. It is beyond repair or reform.

  • Pubsinger
    So let me just get this straight. Are we saying that this chap sued the WT for £150k for defamation of character, won his case, but WT appealed but the appeal has been dismissed? In other words, they have lost, been found guilty and had to pay £150k?
  • Splash

    I would like to see individual elders being held to account over their actions, and them being personally prosecuted / fined.

    When this happens I think the role of 'elder' will not be such a sought after one.

  • Phizzy

    Pubsinger, I don't think the matter is finished yet. But I reckon it will be in the WT's interests in this case, as in so many others, to now settle out of Court.

    That way they avoid any more bad publicity.

  • Pubsinger
    Right got Ya. But the defamation claim has been 'upheld'?
  • Mephis
    Currently this is to get things heard at a trial. The WBTS has been trying to get it dismissed on various grounds for a couple of years now. Initially they complained that the lawsuit was filed a day too late. A judge agreed with them. Then Mr.Otuo found that the judge had made an error and the action was filed just in time. He was allowed to appeal and won that. This latest round is the WBTS appealing against a decision to not dismiss the lawsuit on other grounds (that there was no defamation and no damage done to reputation). Mr.Otuo has won again and this should now move towards trial once more.

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