It's an odd case. The guy was DFd for fraud but only on some kind of technical fraud on the basis of a letter that has been destroyed. I can't really figure out exactly what the full story is.
It's interesting that increasingly ( in child abuse & other cases ) the courts are starting to push beyond the "ecclesiastical privilege" defence that for long religions like the JWs & others have relied upon.
I suspect that the WTBTS will not like its dirty laundry hung out in public and won't like its procedures investigated so they will offer Mr Otuo some money to settle. They certainly wouldn't want any kind of precedent established that JC decisions can be challenged in court.
JCs are basically kangaroo courts. In fact - my own exit began partly as a result of a totally shambolic DFing of someone in my congregation when I finally had to accept that they was absolutely no "God's spirit" at work in any way. The incompetence is almost breathtaking at times and the Society have got away with them for years because nobody can challenge them. Maybe that is starting to change - that can only be a good thing.