My whole point was to demostrate that it was not the jews who removed the name of God from the Septuigent but the early Christians from around 350 C.E. or later. They seem to be the ones to stop using God's name altogether in their writings, not the Jews. That was the reason for the references.
Now, if Matthew did indeed write to the Jews in their own language, he would certainly have used God's name as it was in the Septuigent.
Now as to how to pronounce God's name as SS seems to think I was trying to address, maybe the following will help him.
I am NOT a JW. However, even though the name "Jehovah" was an invented name by a 13th century monk, I believe just as Professor Pfeiffer stated in his book.
O.T. Scholar Robert H. Pfeiffer, in his book Introduction to the Old Testament, 1948, stated on page 94: "Accordingly, the consonants of the kethib, YHWH, were vocalized YeHoWaH (with the vowels of adonay). From this hybrid spelling, the significance of which was known to every Jew, came the divine name JEHOVAH, current in English and other modern languages. This erroneous Hebrew pronunciation Jehovah was introduced by Christians at least as early as the fourteenth century and became current since the sixteenth. Whatever may be said of its pedigree, JEHOVAH is and should remain the proper English rendering of YAHWEH, the God of Israel..."
I have approx. 1,345 different English translations of the Bible or parts thereof in my collection and I use them all.
Another fact that should be considered in an answer to a question I addressed several years ago. "But scholars would deny that Jehovah is a correct rendering of the Hebrew and would opt for Yahweh instead."
From my research I have found that the first time Gods name was render Yahweh in any translations was 1895. This also shows the trend of modern day scholars (translators) which is that they are split 50/50 in their use of either Divine name. Its also interesting that all of the interlinear translations, made to date, use Jehovah. Why??? Is it because the rendering YAHWEH is not accepted by all scholars today?
The fact of the matter is no one living today can know for a certain how to pronounce Gods Divine name YHWH or JHVH.
Thus, I found your refusal to the use of the name "Jehovah" to be very weak. I personally use YAHWEH as Gods personal Divine name, but, I also know that YAHWEH is the Hebrew pronunciation and NOT the English pronunciation. Remember that the name JESUS is an English pronunciation and not the Hebrew pronunciation. Why are we not consistent?