How do you feel about your JW friends?

by sleepy 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Dismembered

    Ditto Trotafox cute animations too!

  • garybuss

    How do you feel about your JW friends?



  • Preston
    How do you feel about your JW friends?

    What is there to feel, they were never my friends to begin with. I gave of myself unselfishly to help people within my congregation for nothing, out of love. I can tell you right now, I was one of the few people in my age group who visited the elderly, the affirm, the diabled, the castigated for purely unselfish reasons. I was the model witness. You name it, I did it. I was active in my congregation for 5 years, and I can count on my right hand the number of people who have contacted me since then. If anyone is too afraid of me to be my friend, then they're stuck in some kind of perpetual childhood where they'll always need some dominant parental figure to pick and choose their associates.

    I poop on them!

  • CFree

    For the most part I think I would have to tell them to get lost as I have seen many ex-friends since I was d'fd 5 years ago and most of them have such a superior look on their face. I couldn't forgive them. Also I feel that most of them weren't true friends anyway, they were false friendships forced by the whole culture of the JWs.

    My own brother (yes my flesh and blood) shunned me last month - that was extremely upsetting.

    Having said all this one of the friends that I grew up with as a JW got in touch about a year and a half ago to apologise for the way she'd behaved and to let me know that her parents, brothers and herself had all decided to leave. I have to admit I was VERY cautious at first but we've managed to establish a friendship again, a better one with the JW influence! In fact they introduced me to this forum!

  • Trotafox

    ...a JW got in touch about a year and a half ago to apologise for the way she'd behaved and to let me know that her parents, brothers and herself had all decided to leave.



  • blondie

    Can there be friendship without trust? The WTS and its members taught me that no one in that organization can be trusted. Love throws fear outside. The WTS operates on a foundation of fear.

  • hybridous

    I miss them. Actually, I'm not shunned because I was never a real JW, but they still feel uneasy around me, since I made a big exit. I'm sure they feel like they SHOULD be shunning me, but the WT rules don't apply.

    I miss them, and I pity I see them squandering their lives and talents by living the JW lie. We had some great times together as teenagers, and I'm glad for those memories. It seems that my memories of those days differ in context from my friends'. But that's OK, since the price I paid was a comfortable JW ignorance, and the prize I gained was truth.

    I love them, and I hope they both: wake up from the JW lie, and piece together a life upon acknowledging that lie and deal with the truth the best they can.

    I won't count on that happening. But I will be a better friend than the WT will ever allow them to be.

  • dsgal

    What friends?

    One of the reasons I left was because it was such a cold,unfriendly place;no christ-like love.Couldn't be Jesus' true followers.

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