@ Joe
Bickering - how sad
by Vivamus 19 Replies latest jw friends
Ha to this entire post, well at least when the shower hijinks started.
Anyway, you are right Vivamus, this bickering has gone on too long and is out of control. Fortunately it is isolated to a few people who insist on inflaming the issue. If we stop feeding them I'm sure they will get over it.
Siddhashunyata, you are right. This all did break out right after Bills final effort was denied. Maybe it is possible that many let their frustrations get the better of them and took it out on each other. But, it is also not an excuse or a justification.
Lew W
Sidhash, it looks to me more like it all started after FredHall was removed...
I'm addicted to this place too! I'm also very thank-ful to Simon for providing it!
This should be a place to laugh or to cry.....not to attack or insult others.
As Forrest Gump would say, *That's all I have to say about that.*
Nope the bickering happened when simon was on holiday and there were moderators in place to help out while he was away. It wasn't entirely clear what the 'rules of engagement' were. There were some casualties and some collateral damage. Now simon is back i doubt we will see any more problems.
ROFL @ Six
Well six I had a lovely shower. I washed my hair first and then my pits. I also washed the lower regions but not for long. Gotta save myself you know. It's an age thing.
welcome back (((viv))), I was trying to get out of this funk about the KM my daughter, yes Bill was axed by the fools, and then come here and see this crap. *sigh* , can`t take it out on Fred, so I took it out on Bleep. *sigh*
Lol @ LB
(((((Witchy))))), you know you can mail me always. Hope you feel better.