What a Rush!
by COMF 10 Replies latest social entertainment
Very enjoyable music.
I love the Permanent Waves album
Comf...*sigh* I am so jealous!
Neil Peart is possibly the only man in the world I hold in awe.
Have a GREAT time, give Geddy a kiss for me, and long live RUSH
I'll think of you tomorrow night - I'm taking my kids to see Sonic Youth. All ages show!! woohoo
Rush Ticketmaster price-gouge.................... $4,999,597.00
Sonic Youth ticketmaster price-gouge...........$2,445,459.00Never growing up...................................priceless
I saw those guys when I graduated from high school when they were promoting "All The World's A Stage. They played the entire double album straight through. Great show that I will remember the rest of my life. Geddy Lee can reach vocal highs that Mariah Carrey would envy, which is odd since he is a man.
I've worked at playing Rush songs (and it's work, too, believe me... a Rush album is a drummer's do-it-yourself advanced skills instruction manual) since Permanent Waves, but I've never seen them in concert before. It will be a special night for me, to watch Neil work his rhythmic magic right there, in person.
Using the second ticket is the lovely lady some of you met at our Wednesday Apostafest, Sharron. She's been in Dallas most of her life and seen many a famous rock band in concert, but has never seen Rush either. She works one block away from where I work, so we're getting together right after work for dinner and the concert. We've got the makings of a memorable evening here. Par-dee!
I've seen Rush several times and they flat out BAKE!
Comf, if you can play anything like Neil Peart, you're my hero.
I wouldn't go as far as to say that I play like him, TR. The deal is, I can listen to what he does, and I can sit and work out the strokes and practice them several times until I have them memorized. I can sit and dissect the music and figure out what the time signatures are for each measure or section, and learn to count it. But Neil writes that stuff. He thinks it up to begin with. I'm just copying.
It may be, that if I didn't work a day job and all I had to do every day was practice music, I would be in a position to develop or express that kind of creativity, too. Alas for day jobs... they keep the rest of us in food, clothing and shelter.
Note, that I'm not one of those musicians who think every cover must be played note for note like the original. I butt heads with guys who think that. If you can't bring your own originality to the piece, why bother? But it's still not the same as envisioning it to begin with.
Have a great time!
Edited by - plmkrzy on 19 August 2002 0:1:23