Crisis Of Conscience In Audio Format?

by dubstepped 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Aerodynamic
    Thanks I have been wanting to read this, but reading these days is so hard, I just dont just dont have the time...looking forward to thisnon my drive home from work.
  • GodZoo
    Enjoy the trauma...
  • dubstepped
    I just noticed that track 5 on to the end seems to be about 12 minutes each and they seem to cut off. There was either a problem with the upload, or my download. My wife's download was exactly the same though, so I'm thinking the upload had issues.
  • dubstepped
    Just looked at the dropbox files and from 5-14 the files are noticeably shorter there too.
  • under the radar
    under the radar

    Thanks for your efforts. I was opening the zip file on my MacBook Pro with Archive Utility. The Dropbox files seems to be ok, but I haven't listened to every one of them yet.

    Again, I appreciate your taking the time to make the files available.

  • Captain Schmideo2
    Captain Schmideo2

    enter the youtube link in this web site, and you will get an mp3 file, for free. Enjoy.

  • tim3l0rd
    tim3l0rd has a limitation of converting videos that are 20 min or less. It won't convert most of the videos becaus of their length.
  • dubstepped
    I'm willing to pay for a service that converts the videos to audio if needed. I would have purchased the audio book if available on Audible or something. It was great listening to the first full chapters though.
  • tim3l0rd

    I'm using vidtomp3. So far it is converting each one just fine. Just make sure to uncheck the box that says something about using a download accelerator when you get to the download page. I only had to uncheck it on the first conversion. I'm up to chapter 6 and it has converted each one without an issue so far.

  • dubstepped
    Can you share them when you're done? If you get stuck I'd be happy to do some of them. I'm just not home from work yet, long day.

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