by TheWonderofYou 17 Replies latest jw friends
Im a little bit too busy, today am I not? Why is it not possible to delete a thread afterwards? -
Nice prayer
Where in the bible does it say it's okay to pray to Jesus? We are only supposed to pray to the father and then say in Jesus name amen... - Smartcookie
8] Early Christians ADDRESSED PRAYERS to Jesus.
As Jesus prepared his eleven faithful disciples for his imminent departure he promised them;
"If you ask (me) anything in my name I will do it." (Jhn.14:14)
Although the word "me" has been omitted from the NWT the Interlinear shows that it was in the original Greek text. It is found in the oldest and most reliable manuscripts.
Luke tells us that when Stephen was being stoned to death;
"He made appeal and said, Lord Jesus receive my spirit." (Acts7:59)
Again the Interlinear shows the more literal translation of the phrase "making appeal" to be "calling upon." In English we would always say calling upon, followed by a name, but in the New Testament it had acquired a specific meaning so that Luke could simply write that Stephen was "calling upon" the Lord Jesus. In the context it clearly denotes prayer.
Likely seeking relief from some physical ailment Paul told the Corinthians that he had;
"Three times entreated the Lord that it might depart from me." (2Cor.12:8)
The context of verses 8-10 make the conclusion inescapable that the Lord, Paul is referring to is the Lord Jesus Christ. The reply to Paul's prayer is that "my power is being made perfect in weakness" to which Paul rejoices that"the power of the Christ might remain like a tent over" him. This is clearly the most natural reading of the text.
In his first epistle John assures those who put their faith;
"In the name of the Son of God. And this is the confidence that we have toward him that no matter what it is that we ask according to his will he hears us." (1Jhn.5:13,14)
The faith or confidence of Christians is said by John to be in the Son of God who hears their requests and answers accordingly. With an obvious allusion to Jesus own words at Jhn.14:14 quoted above John continues;
"Further if we know he hears us respecting whatever we are asking, we know we are to have the things asked since we have asked them of him." (1Jhn5:15)
There would seem to be no doubt that the normal pattern of prayer in the New Testament is that which is addressed to the Father in the name of the Son. However these other examples of prayer addressed to Jesus directly cannot be ignored or explained away, and are a significant part of a study of how early Christians viewed Jesus.
Good morning Americans. -
Hi wonder of you.. Thankyou for the obviously believe that Jesus approves of the Catholic church as you see it, is that not presumptuous...?what evidence do you have to prove this, as there is no personal account from him to substantiate. -
Are the Americans awake yet? It's only just mid day here in the UK.
Anyway, hello cousins, where 'ere you may be.
John Aquila
As Jesus prepared his eleven faithful disciples for his imminent departure he promised them;
"If you ask (me) anything in my name I will do it." (Jhn.14:14)
Although the word "me" has been omitted from the NWT the Interlinear shows that it was in the original Greek text. It is found in the oldest and most reliable manuscripts.
I did not know that, I learned something new today. I am also going to use this info. with some of my JW friends.
Canadians are just waking up and it`s not a Pretty Sight..