Christians try to invade hemp fest.

by Trauma_Hound 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Those protesters remind me of a family that used to live in my neighborhood. They are strict Pentecostals. That means, no TV, females do not cut their hair or wear pants. This family thought sports were bad too.

    Much like JWs, their whole family life revolved around going to church and church activities. They had a girl close to my daughter's age and sometimes she would come over to play. She would tell me stories of her Mom reviving dead animals by praying over them. What would amuse me when she would come over to play is that she would be GLUED to our TV. It didn't matter what was on. Could be Sesame Street or a Gardening show. It didn't matter. However, my daughter found it frustrating because she would want to go outside and play or do other activities and would have to DRAG this girl away from the TV set.

    As far as Hemp? I think it should be legalized. Legalization generally means REGULATION. So, growers would then be subject to the same laws that growers of other crops are subject to. That would mean having to deal with the US Department of Agriculture. Talk about killing the romance!


    Edited by - BeautifulGarbage on 19 August 2002 12:48:36

  • Valis

    yo t_h...was anyone giving them a hard time?


    District Overbeer of the "hemp fest" class

  • Satanus

    The big benefit of legalising hemp, and all other drugs for that matter, is that it would push organised crime and gangs out into the open. Their killings/street wars would be cut down somewhat. The govt would make money from drug taxes/save money from less court work, less prisoners. Standard, good quality, clean drugs would be garanteed, like the clean hard liquer at govt stores.


  • freedomhouse3

    Did anybody offer those "Christians" a hit to mellow 'em out? I would have loved to attend but too many people for me to handle. Yea, Pot!!!

  • Trauma_Hound

    Ya once in awhile they were given a hard time, but we pretty much kept people off of them and kept the flow of traffic going, let's just say they weren't getting any positive responses.

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