Nitpickin' Moaners

by invisible 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • invisible

    Ever since I came to this board I have been constantly amazed at the great propensity for bickering and moaning in this place by a certain minority of posters who might know better, you're so politically correct some of you. You ruddy do me head in sometimes, I don't know what it is, maybe you think you are being clever, but it always seems to be the same ones that make the same disparaging remarks over and over again, not clever, just exceedingly boring.

    So what if some posters get up your nose, what the blinkin' hec does it matter? You Know is attacked over and over again here, so is JanH plus one or two others, so ruddy what? Why can't you just let sleeping dogs lie?

    Is You Know for example a prodigy of JW mind programming techniques, if so, is his/her behaviour here completely that particular posters fault or is this individual in so much emotional turmoil / pain that s/he cannot see the wood for the trees? So, quit attacking comments before I feel obliged to bash some of your heads together.

    Some of you are still so Jehovah's Witness like, it's frightening. You have replaced one theology simply for another using the same materials, mechanisms, manipulations, masks - think about it!!


    In cantankerously grinning mode.

    Celtic Mark - Cornwall UK

  • Sentinel

    Celtic Mark,

    You say this so very well. You say everything that I too have been encountering here on the forum. There is simply no excuse to attack a fellow poster trying to make an honest expression in the form of a statement, a question, or a problem.

    I will not give up. I will continue here. But, still, I notice all the things you do and wonder if perhaps some posters need some help in the art of communication. It seems like many just want to "be heard", no matter what they say. Being a JW really does damage people. Pehaps some just have a really difficult time "saying what they want to say", and it comes out as meaningless chatter. I could say that this might have to do with being "young", but I have noticed that I cannot truthfully make that call either. Age does not seem to have a baring.

    It isn't really funny, but perhaps they will eventually find a separate place to post , called "bickering, arguing, name calling, maoning, groaning, complaining, etc.". Some place they would feel comfortable in, and the rest of us, who didn't want to "listen" to them, would know NOT to go.

    Right On!


  • hillary_step


    Are you exempt from such behavior? It seems by your post that you are

    Grinning with you - HS

  • dubla

    i cant tell if this thread is meant as a joke or not. im guessing its not, so in that case............i find it very ironic that the two posters you specifically single out to defend against attacks are also two of the biggest bigots on this forum, and also two posters that make a living out of attacking others. they are both intelligent posters, theres no denying that....and jan at least has positive additions to the forum on a regular basis......but imo, they both get what they dish out, attack wise. ridicule begets ridicule.


  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    *moans* <---- feel free to take that any way you wish

  • Imbue

    Dubla please explain this accusation of bigotry with evidence.

    i find it very ironic that the two posters you specifically single out to defend against attacks are also two of the biggest bigots on this forum, and also two posters that make a living out of attacking others
  • JanH


    are also two of the biggest bigots on this forum

    Now that is fascinating. I am supposedly a trouble maker for questioning policies and practice, while certain others feel free to post a large number of personal attacks (like the above) and still want to come across as loyalists. How peculiar, and yet so typical!

    Now, please explain where and how my supposed bigotry is expressed. My dictionary defines a bigot as

    "One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ."

    Is this me? Evidence please?

    Alternatively, I expect your apology.

    - Jan

  • LB

    While I agree that I was sick of the moaning about moderation here. I'm now getting sick of the moaning about the moaners. (I'm guilty too) We all actually get along well. Why not allow things to heal and lets get back on track?

    Edited by - LB on 19 August 2002 15:41:0

  • dubla


    . I am supposedly a trouble maker for questioning policies and practice,

    im not sure why you directed this statement at me....when did i ever accuse you of these things? please provide links....alternatively, i accept your apology for the misunderstanding.

    while certain others feel free to post a large number of personal attacks (like the above) and still want to come across as loyalists.

    im not sure about the "large number of personal attacks" you seem to be accusing me of, but my above statement surely falls into the category of personal attacks, so oh well. ive never claimed to be above returning attacks to the attackers, and i surely dont claim to be a "loyalist".

    Now, please explain where and how my supposed bigotry is expressed.

    you can express bigotry in many ways. one way is to single out a group of people, stereotype them, and then make sweeping negative statements about them, as if you were above that particular group. please see this link >>>

    one might check this thread as well, and one might see im not the only one whos noticed your bigoted statements >>>

    no apology needed.


  • JanH


    Ahh, we have long memories and grudges. So criticising US policies, and in particular criticising an action which killed a number of innocent civilians, is "bigoted"?

    I realize that anyone having ever criticised your beloved home country and their bombing of a wedding is "bigotry" to you. And that says everything we need to know about your ethics and particularly lack thereof.

    Blind, fanatical patriotism is, however, a form of bigotry. And you demonstrate it very well.

    - Jan

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