I will try to record it. They did something like that today but I am not sure if they will still have it tomorrow. I am sure the program is the same everywhere but I was shocked to see an interview about that today. Funny thing is the sister they interviewed is from my hall and I know her pretty well. She is a bit of a psicoptah who has tried to commit suicide twice. She has a son that left the org 6 years ago and a daughter that was forced into marriage via rape by the son of an elder. She went onto the stage crying, even before the questions came. She went on to say how hurt she was but the interview was not about how he returned to the org because he hasn't. It was mostly about how she has remained loyal because she is shunning him. The worst is that I know for a fact the she doesn't shun him in the whole sense of the practice. The kid lives hours away from here and they don't see each other often because of the distance. I fixed her computer and she has plenty of pictures of her visiting with him along with her elder husband. So it's easy to say I shun him when the circumstances help you and when you get a chance to show your stand you don't. To the eye of the bystander this can be considered as "limited contact". If they were neighbors, such occasional contact would constitute shunning but because of the situation it is not. Last time I saw the kid, he was dropping her off at the hall for the meetings. It disgusted me to think that other mothers will decide to imitate her without knowing what is really going on. She claims to be of the anointed by the way.
another thing that just shocked me was a movie we just saw. Not easy to type much about it from my phone but it portraits Jesus at 12 years of age talking like he did not know he was the messiah. The whole movie surrounds around the doubts that they may have had after being announced by angels about the birth of the messiah but never getting proof. The puking inducing part is that they were using this as a parallel to attack doubters. Some needs to get a recording of it. I could not record it. This will bring too much attention to me