elders in the parking lot

by imanaliento 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    maybe they were waiting in the wrong parking lot.

  • Mary

    LOL! The Parking Lot??!! Give me a break...........Didn't some elders want to meet Bill Bowan in a motel room? And then your elders don't show? I'd be careful if I were you. For all you know, they could fake an attempted break-in to the Hall and then try and prove that you were there at that time.

    I don't put anything past these scumbags anymore............

    Let us know what (if anything) happens.

  • Joyzabel

    Welcome imanaliento and BadJerry to the board.

    LOL they didn't show! Keep us informed. Glad you made the final step to not be bothered anymore.



  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    NO SHOWS....What a bunch of wussssses!

  • Swan

    Welcome to both of you.

    I would just ignore them from now on. You've made it clear, and they were no shows. But don't expect them to ever totally leave you alone. I found out that they have been sending women to my door while I'm at work to try to recruit my husband.

    Take care and we're here to support you.


  • Sunspot

    Welcome Imana and BadJerry!!!

    "he waited for 10 min. THEY DIDN'T SHOW."

    This behavior is despicable! How very small, extremely rude, and terribly unkind of them just to not "show up" after suggesting this meeting. Hardly worthy of the Ambassadors of Christ that they claim to be.

    And THESE are the gentle shepherds who are SO eager and willing to give comfort and counsel to the sheep that Jesus entrusted to their care? I seem to recall something about their "accountability" to Jehovah for the sheep they lose.

    I also remember reading that Jehovah is patient with the sheep and doesn't want ANY to be destroyed. How do these arrogant Elders account for all this?

    THIS is how they "feed" Jesus' sheep, as he asked?

    Their haloes and "fine works" are rapidly slipping to resemble the "works of darkness" found in motel rooms rented by the hour, and in parking lots where a whole lot more than "upbuilding talk" would be going down.

    Disgusting hypocrites!!!!!!! (censoring MYSELF here) but this will "do" for now.

    Hugs to you both,


    edited for a typo

    Edited by - sunspot on 20 August 2002 0:40:38

  • abbagail

    ROFLOL! to ISP who wrote to make it a parking lot that CHARGES, and how that would get them to go away for sure... LOLOL!!!

    Welcome Imanalien and Bad Jerry! Parking lot makes no sense to me either. I seriously doubt they wanted to give anybody stitches. Maybe they thought if they meet at your home or office or K. Hall, they might be hollering or something that would occur, and be too embarrassing. Or maybe they thought there would be hidden cameras or microphones. Yet, even in a parking lot, a person could still be wearing a tiny microphone, so it just doesn't make sense to me.

    Did you recognize the elder's voice (or whoever) who originally suggested the parking lot? Maybe it was some prankster from the local cong who did called and not the elders at all... (just another desperate attempt to explain away this bizarre parking lot suggestion).


  • garybuss

    Next they'll want to meet at the laundromat so they can count time and drop off a few back issue magazines to add to their field service report card. These guys can't be having any fun. What a life! Religious cops having their own little private inquisition.

    I'm way too glad to be away from all that.

    Welcome :-)


    The Way I See it http://www.freeminds.org/buss/buss.htm

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